dual boot vista/xp


New Member
hi this looks like a wery nice forum.

My problems is to boot in xp!!

i have 3 primary partitons and 2 logical. on the 3 primary i have following:
Fujitsu siemens restore factory (should be deleted)
the logic are just data

i have paste the files NTLDR and NTDETECT to the rootf older in xp wich worked last time (before i installed vista today) but this time i got the error BOOT.INI missing

i have set easy BCD with the right letters (i hope so)

i followed the instuction were carefully on the web page and createt the file in notepad but i did'n work. maybe it's the number of my partition i can't figure out..

any idears

Hello marc, welcome to NST.
Get EasyBCD 2.0 Beta, and use it to re-add your XP entry (after deleting the old one). When you get the message asking you if you want to let it auto-configure boot.ini for you, click Yes.
Now, open up your Disk Management, and look to see which partition is marked as "system" and "active". Whichever partition that is, copy over the NTLDR and NTDETECT.COM into the root of that partition, and then XP will boot from the Vista boot menu.


P.S. If you need any more help, please read the links in my sig, especially the one marked "PLEASE READ BEFORE POSTING WITH A PROBLEM"...
That thread is a sticky thread in the same forum you posted in, and meant to be read before posting with a booting problem, as it answers practically every question relating to multibooting.
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Works in Windows 7 RC too!

Thanks, I just made a donation as a result of this post. EasyBCD worked great with a Vista/XP dual boot, but when I switched Vista to a clean Windows 7 RC boot, I could not get back to XP. Recopied NTDETECT AND ntldr to the XP drive but still did not boot.
This post said get BCD 2.0 beta and use it to fix boot.ini. Worked perfectly!
Thanks again.