Hey there im new to the forum so hello.
Great Program, been using it for ages never had a prob, till now
Im booting Dual Vistas
One is Vista Ulitmate, the other is a Vista Gamer Version, both x64
I have run my computer like this for a while, but had to both due to drive failure.
I have a 80GB IDE and a 500GB SATA Split 65/400GB
IDE is Disk O and SATA is Disk 1
Vista is Installed on the SATA Drive, and the Gamer is Installed on the IDE For the moment.
But everytime i start the computer up, i get this message
'Invalid System Disk, Replace the Disk then press Enter'
So i put, one of my many Windows disks in and it trys to boot from CD leave it for a bit and then i get the boot Menu up select either one works.
It works fine just its a pain in the ass having to leave the DVD in all the time I Even took the other drive out and just had the one Vista Entry on the Bootloader and it still does it. I tried Reinstalling the Bootloader but i just get the same problem.
Any help wud be grateful.
Here is my overvire of BCD
Great Program, been using it for ages never had a prob, till now
Im booting Dual Vistas
One is Vista Ulitmate, the other is a Vista Gamer Version, both x64
I have run my computer like this for a while, but had to both due to drive failure.
I have a 80GB IDE and a 500GB SATA Split 65/400GB
IDE is Disk O and SATA is Disk 1
Vista is Installed on the SATA Drive, and the Gamer is Installed on the IDE For the moment.
But everytime i start the computer up, i get this message
'Invalid System Disk, Replace the Disk then press Enter'
So i put, one of my many Windows disks in and it trys to boot from CD leave it for a bit and then i get the boot Menu up select either one works.
It works fine just its a pain in the ass having to leave the DVD in all the time I Even took the other drive out and just had the one Vista Entry on the Bootloader and it still does it. I tried Reinstalling the Bootloader but i just get the same problem.
Any help wud be grateful.
Here is my overvire of BCD
There are a total of 2 entries listed in the Vista Bootloader.
Bootloader Timeout: 5 seconds.
Default OS: Vista
Entry #1
Name: Vista
BCD ID: {current}
Drive: C:\
Bootloader Path: \Windows\system32\winload.exe
Windows Directory: \Windows
Entry #2
Name: Gamer
BCD ID: {14c0c873-ff41-11dc-913f-0019db487a63}
Drive: D:\
Bootloader Path: \Windows\system32\winload.exe
Windows Directory: \Windows