Hello, I am somewhat new at dual booting. I have a Dell 1721 originaly running Vista, on drive C. I found this website that walked me through the process of seting up dual booting. http://apcmag.com/how_to_dual_boot_vista_and_xp_with_vista_installed_first__the_stepbystep_guide.htm
Here is a screen shot of my Disk Management
On a completly diffrent drive, I have succuessfully installed XP Pro. Pro boots up fine, I install EBCD 1.7.2, And end up at this screen.
I click add an entry, switch drive letter from C to D, Switch type to NT/2k/XP/2K3, and name it Windows XP, Note: There is already an XP Above, In this screen I have not added the entry.
So I change the name to XP 2, to make them diffrent.
Now, there are 3 entries existing
Now, I click on Manage Bootloader, and click write MBR, to re-install the Vista bootloader.
Then I restart. When I select Vista, It loads properly, but when I select either XP entry. I get an error. Canot remember what, but I think it was somthing like this
NTLDR is missing or corrupt (or one of its variants)
Windows Boot Manager has experienced a problem.File: \ntldrStatus: 0xc000000fInfo: The selected entry couldn't be loaded because the application is missing or corrupt..
Hope that is enough info for someone to help.
Also, after completing the steps above, If I try to enter EBCD, it gives me an error that no entries could be found. The only way to regain access to XP is to run a repair of the boot with the XP disk.
Here is a screen shot of my Disk Management

On a completly diffrent drive, I have succuessfully installed XP Pro. Pro boots up fine, I install EBCD 1.7.2, And end up at this screen.

I click add an entry, switch drive letter from C to D, Switch type to NT/2k/XP/2K3, and name it Windows XP, Note: There is already an XP Above, In this screen I have not added the entry.

So I change the name to XP 2, to make them diffrent.

Now, there are 3 entries existing

Now, I click on Manage Bootloader, and click write MBR, to re-install the Vista bootloader.

Then I restart. When I select Vista, It loads properly, but when I select either XP entry. I get an error. Canot remember what, but I think it was somthing like this
NTLDR is missing or corrupt (or one of its variants)
Windows Boot Manager has experienced a problem.File: \ntldrStatus: 0xc000000fInfo: The selected entry couldn't be loaded because the application is missing or corrupt..
Hope that is enough info for someone to help.
Also, after completing the steps above, If I try to enter EBCD, it gives me an error that no entries could be found. The only way to regain access to XP is to run a repair of the boot with the XP disk.
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