Hi, I recently had to repair my dual boot system because Vista would not boot. I managed to repair the Vista boot using an image restore then running Vista Repair disk to restore the boot sector, following the image restore.
The computer now produces the Vista Boot manager screen and offers me Vista and "Earlier Operating System" (i.e. XP).
When I select XP I get a blank screen, so that boot failed, though Vista has succeeded.
I reinstalled XP to get the XP boot back. I then replaced the XP install with an image of XP from my backup drive so as not to have reinstall all my programmes.
This worked and then I re-ran the Vista Repair disk to get the dual boot back.
I did get the dual boot back, but again XP has reverted to showing me a blank screen, so still cannot boot in to XP. Was restore of the XP image something to do with this?
I then installed EasyBCD 2.0 in to Vista. I took the advice of checking for ntdetect.com and ntldr in the root of my boot drive. But these were not missing. I did however replace them with the files from this site. With the different versions of these two files in place, I still get the blank screen on booting in to XP.
So, now I am well and truly stuck.
So my system works like this:
I have a large terabyte drive partitioned as follows:
Data drive labelled in Vista Disk Manager as D: System, Active, Primary.
Vista drive labelled in Vista Disk Manager as C: Boot, Page File, Crash Dump, Logical Drive
XP drive labelled in Vista Disk Manager as E: Logical Drive
I believe the booting of the machine is managed on D:\ data drive as all the files to do with booting are in the boot of D (though I am confused as to why Vista C:\ drive is labelled as "Boot"):
I'd be so grateful for any help/advice! I feel I've tried everything and I'm going round in circles now!
The computer now produces the Vista Boot manager screen and offers me Vista and "Earlier Operating System" (i.e. XP).
When I select XP I get a blank screen, so that boot failed, though Vista has succeeded.
I reinstalled XP to get the XP boot back. I then replaced the XP install with an image of XP from my backup drive so as not to have reinstall all my programmes.
This worked and then I re-ran the Vista Repair disk to get the dual boot back.
I did get the dual boot back, but again XP has reverted to showing me a blank screen, so still cannot boot in to XP. Was restore of the XP image something to do with this?
I then installed EasyBCD 2.0 in to Vista. I took the advice of checking for ntdetect.com and ntldr in the root of my boot drive. But these were not missing. I did however replace them with the files from this site. With the different versions of these two files in place, I still get the blank screen on booting in to XP.
So, now I am well and truly stuck.
So my system works like this:
I have a large terabyte drive partitioned as follows:
Data drive labelled in Vista Disk Manager as D: System, Active, Primary.
Vista drive labelled in Vista Disk Manager as C: Boot, Page File, Crash Dump, Logical Drive
XP drive labelled in Vista Disk Manager as E: Logical Drive
I believe the booting of the machine is managed on D:\ data drive as all the files to do with booting are in the boot of D (though I am confused as to why Vista C:\ drive is labelled as "Boot"):
I'd be so grateful for any help/advice! I feel I've tried everything and I'm going round in circles now!