Has anyone got Windows 7 (on the first drive), and Centos 6 (on a second drive) up and running with EasyBCD?
I installed Win7 first; then I took the power off that drive, and installed a second drive. I installed Centos 6 to the
drive's partition, not to the MBR. It boots just fine by itself.
I put the power back onto the Win7 drive, and reboot. System boots to Win 7 just fine. Centos sits in the background on drive 2.
I load EBCD-- I try every option under ADD ITEM (Grub (legacy-- both with and without NeoGrub), GRUB2, and LILO/eLILO)--
none of the options will boot my Centos. Where I had the option, I pointed them to the Centos primary partition.
Yes, they all put Centos onto the Bootmanager Screen, and I can select them just fine. They just don't boot my Centos. They either
freeze the screen immediately on trying to boot, or they give me the dreaded "grub>" prompt (showing GRUB4DOS).
Win 7 boots just fine in every case.
Any help would be appreciated. I'm about to go back and just re-install Centos, and let it install to MBR-- becoming the
bootmanager instead of EasyBCD. At least that works! And it's very simple to recover my MBR/bootsector/BCD on the Win7
drive afterwards, if I desire to quit that setup.
EasyBCD hasn't proven to be so easy. What am I missing here????? I'm willing to give EBCD a chance..............
I installed Win7 first; then I took the power off that drive, and installed a second drive. I installed Centos 6 to the
drive's partition, not to the MBR. It boots just fine by itself.
I put the power back onto the Win7 drive, and reboot. System boots to Win 7 just fine. Centos sits in the background on drive 2.
I load EBCD-- I try every option under ADD ITEM (Grub (legacy-- both with and without NeoGrub), GRUB2, and LILO/eLILO)--
none of the options will boot my Centos. Where I had the option, I pointed them to the Centos primary partition.
Yes, they all put Centos onto the Bootmanager Screen, and I can select them just fine. They just don't boot my Centos. They either
freeze the screen immediately on trying to boot, or they give me the dreaded "grub>" prompt (showing GRUB4DOS).
Win 7 boots just fine in every case.
Any help would be appreciated. I'm about to go back and just re-install Centos, and let it install to MBR-- becoming the
bootmanager instead of EasyBCD. At least that works! And it's very simple to recover my MBR/bootsector/BCD on the Win7
drive afterwards, if I desire to quit that setup.
EasyBCD hasn't proven to be so easy. What am I missing here????? I'm willing to give EBCD a chance..............