Dualbooting Vista And FreeBSD Not Using Grub


New Member
I've got Vista set up on partition 1 and FreeBSD on partition 2. I don't use grub or lilo, only the default FreeBSD bootloader on partition 2. I can boot FreeBSD by setting partition 2 as active, and Vista by setting partition 1 as active. Is there any way I can use EasyBCD to set up booting from the 2nd partition?
My vista drive is D: (yeah - no c: here, so c:\nst is kinda hard to use for me)

Config (one disk):
Disk 0
Partition 1 Vista
Partition 2 FreeBSD

My Vista partition is recognized by Vista as D: (diskpart list volume:smile:
Volume ### Ltr Label Fs Type Size Status Info
---------- --- ----------- ----- ---------- ------- --------- --------
Volume 0 D Vista NTFS Partition 67 GB Healthy System
Hi oisteink, welcome to NeoSmart Technologies!

EasyBCD 1.51 is coming out in a couple of days, I promise.

It'll have full support to pull that off :smile:

Can you please tell me the name and version of the bootloader you're using?
