Easy BCD 1.7.2


Hi, I must first say how I like Easy BCD, you have done a great job. I cannot find a similar thread, apologies if I should not have started a new one!
My problem is an error where I need your help please.
Have Vista on C:\, XP Professional on F:\
Can follow instructions 'Adding Windows XP to a PC with Windows Vista Already Installed' to the point where I 'Add Remove Entries'
Here I can select Windows NT/2k/XP/2K3, but get an unhandled exception...
...Index and count must refer to a location within the string.
Parameter name: count.

At this point I have quit and would appreciate your guidance


I noticed on the site below that I could get Vista started using the repair option
I then reloaded Easy BCD and was able to implement the dual boot process.
So, I think I have solved the dual boot problem in part.

I now see two boot options Vista or XP. Selecting Vista invites me to repair the install, something which I can probably do later. This launches Vista no problem.

When I select Windows XP, I then get subsidiary choices - Windows XP or Windows
If I select Windows XP I get a black screen - and have to reboot
Alternatively I select Windows and get a normal XP boot process

I have seen a separate thread on this problem, so I will post to this thread :smile:
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Okay so you have 2 bootloaders now? When you select XP you get a 2nd bootloader?

I think that would be because you tried to get the dual boot working from XP. Which created its own bootloader along with the one you have for Vista. Which has caused it mass confusion.

Go into XP and remove the Vista entry. Then try again. See if that will stop the 2nd bootloader from coming up.
Thanks Alex
I think I may have cracked it by changing the boot ini which had different references to partitions. I saw a thread that suggested trying to make the numbers the same. Having done that I now have a dual boot working. All in all a good results thanks to the posts here.

I have spent hours trying to make this work, looking back it all makes sense now!
Next task is to upgrade the Vista from Home to Enterprise, something I have just started to look at.
Should I start a new thread on this?
I have a Toshiba U300 which is now running XP and Vista Home. I use it as a business machine and need to connect to my business server and domain. Therefore I have to upgrade to Vista Enterprise.
Vista gives me two install options
1. Upgrade
2. Custom
If I go for the upgrade option, will it simply touch the Vista partition, or both partitions and are there any other side affects I need to prepare to avoid!?
The alternative is a custom install which describes the ability to choose partitions etc, but wipes out all files, and would leave me having to reinstall all the appropriate drivers. Having just spent a day downloading and installing 34 drivers, I would like to avoid this again for the Vista partition.
Naturally I prefer option 1, but I am worried that I will undo all the work I have just done!
Upgrading your Vista Installation in place shouldn't cause any problem to your XP partition, and the dual-boot shouldn't be affected at all.
If you do a clean install, the dual-boot will probably need to be re-established afterwards, though again, it shouldn't affect the XP partition, as long as you don't tell it to format it or anything silly like that.