Having installed Windows 7 64 bit on a computer that was running xp -32 bit. I'm having problems getting it to boot. 
Having searched the internet I have ascertained I have a problem with the bootloader.
Searching for a solution brought me here
I downloaded Easy BCD 2 and installed it. Started it and it gave me an error
The error reported is 0xc000007b.
Running it as an administrator gave the same problem.
Before I use you "nuclear option" any idea how I might solve it?
Having searched the internet I have ascertained I have a problem with the bootloader.
Searching for a solution brought me here
I downloaded Easy BCD 2 and installed it. Started it and it gave me an error
The error reported is 0xc000007b.
Running it as an administrator gave the same problem.
Before I use you "nuclear option" any idea how I might solve it?