EasyBCD 1.1 Beta Released

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Mostly Harmless
Staff member

Within 24 hours of being unconstitutionally "removed" from the VistaBootPRO project, NeoSmart Technologies is back on the scene with our newest program, written from scratch without so much as a peek at the old code: EasyBCD 1.1 Beta.

This VistaBootPRO replacement is much more than a new name under better management, EasyBCD takes visual editing of Vista's powerful new bootloader to whole new level.

Download EasyBCD 1.1 Beta

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Improvements Over VistaBootPRO said:
Support for Windows Vista 5456
Boot Loader Removal
Ability to Add Vista OS
Uses better BCD Tools from 5456
Better confirmation of actions
Cleanup Left-over Data on Delete
Remove Tabs
Use Mononospaced Fonts for Advanced Display
Install Vista Bootloader
Limit Memory available to Vista
Disable x64 Driver Checks
Wizard that decides what version of the bootloader should be used.
Abliity Enable/Disable PAE
New NoExecute Settings
Debug Boot-Loading
Run Windows in Kernel-Debug Mode
Limit Vista/LH to a number of CPUs
This is big step for Vista users, EasyBCD 1.0 Beta looks geat, so far it works great too :grinning:
yeah, as sarge said, it looks great. i'll be able to say it works great after i screw something up and have to use it. :tongueout:

you might want to change your sig, though. :tongueout:
lmfao - thanks for the heads-up toxic.. i totally forgot (too much on my mind).
CG did good with this :smile:
The screenshots are stunning, very well done, and the logo is great. Did you do that too, CG?

(get some sleep now!)
Heh... Thanks Sarge, Jane..

Work at NST never ends; we have to organize everything we do and now it seems we have to keep turning our heads back and forth to see where we're going and to watch our backs - being betrayed once is enough and at NST we don't plan to let it happen again.
Computer Guru - congrats on this and sorry to hear about the fall-out with Pro-Networks (where I see you are now a "disabled user").

Can I safely uninstall VBP and install this instead without screwing anything up?
Hello Peter,

Thank you, believe me when I tell you it came out of the blue: I went to bed, woke up, and found I was banned and in a lawsuit!

Yes, you can indeed safely uninstall VBPRO and install EBCD instead. If you really want you can install this without even removing VBPRO and they'll both work OK together, but this completely replaces VBPRO, so there really is no reason for that.
Well I wish you the best of luck. I see they are still advertising the
"second coming"...i.e. VistaBootPro 2..... maybe it wont come about now.
It's a shame when this sort of squabble erupts, let's hope it ends amicably.

Thanks for the info by the way.
Congrats again to Computere Guru for such a great app. Cant wait to check it out for myself.

As i am also sorry for the fall-out. But you are better off now. At least now noone can try and steal your hard work and claim it as their own.
I have the EasyBCD installed on my Vista Ultimate and it will not work. :lup:

All I get are error messages no matter what tab or function I try to do. I have screenshots of all and the details of the errors. How can I submit them?

Jan :smile:
Hello Jan, thanks for installing EasyBCD and welcome to NeoSmart Technologies.

What I need you to do is create a new thread here: http://neosmart.net/forums/index.php?getforum=5

In EasyBCD on the "View Settings" screen, select "Detailed View" and copy-and-paste the text in that window in your thread.

Shouldn't be hard to get you up and about in no time :smile:
Font attached.

(I personally think my stuff looks OK, but it takes me FOREVER.... don't tell anyone, but it took me over an hour to make that one userbar! I'm slow :frowning:)


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