Dear Computer Guru,
I have a Vista Pre-installed PC. I added a new HD and installed Windows Server 2003 on the new disk. Then I used EasyBCD 1.6 successfully dual booted to either OS for about a week. But now I can NOT boot into 2003 any more.
I read some posts and here's some info to better help you see my situation:
1. EasyBCD 1.6 boot configuation
2. Vista disk have the following in root, C:\
3. C:\boot.ini has the following - exactly the same as L:\boot.ini
4. 2003 has the following in root, L:\
Please give me a hand solving this problem.
Thanks and best regards,
I have a Vista Pre-installed PC. I added a new HD and installed Windows Server 2003 on the new disk. Then I used EasyBCD 1.6 successfully dual booted to either OS for about a week. But now I can NOT boot into 2003 any more.
I read some posts and here's some info to better help you see my situation:
1. EasyBCD 1.6 boot configuation
There are a total of 2 entries listed in the Vista Bootloader.
Bootloader TimeOut: 20 seconds.
Default OS: Windows Vista (TM) Home Premium
Entry #1
Name: Windows Vista (TM) Home Premium
BCD ID: {current}
Drive: C:\
Bootloader Path: \Windows\system32\winload.exe
Windows Directory: \Windows
Entry #2
Name: Windows Server 2003 Chinese
BCD ID: {ntldr}
Drive: L:\
Bootloader Path: \ntldr
2. Vista disk have the following in root, C:\
C:\>dir /a
Volume in drive C is HP
Volume Serial Number is 7AC2-13BE
Directory of C:\
08/08/2007 09:40 PM <DIR> $Recycle.Bin
06/23/2007 02:46 PM 74 autoexec.bat
08/30/2007 12:02 PM <DIR> Boot
08/28/2007 08:22 PM 209 boot.ini
04/05/2005 08:00 AM 322,730 bootfont.bin
11/02/2006 05:53 AM 438,840 bootmgr
06/23/2007 03:08 PM 8,192 BOOTSECT.BAK
09/18/2006 05:43 PM 10 config.sys
11/02/2006 09:02 AM <JUNCTION> Documents and Settings [C:\Users]
08/31/2007 01:55 AM <DIR> hp
08/28/2007 11:48 PM 0 IO.SYS
08/28/2007 11:48 PM 0 MSDOS.SYS
06/23/2007 02:49 PM <DIR> MSOCache
04/05/2005 08:00 AM 47,772 NTDETECT.COM
04/05/2005 08:00 AM 304,752 ntldr
09/04/2007 03:42 PM 2,460,680,192 pagefile.sys
09/02/2007 10:54 PM <DIR> Program Files
08/29/2007 09:03 PM <DIR> ProgramData
08/30/2007 12:40 PM <DIR> RECYCLER
06/23/2007 02:31 PM 471 RHDSetup.log
08/31/2007 09:58 PM <DIR> SoftwareHardware
09/04/2007 06:23 PM <DIR> System Volume Information
08/08/2007 09:34 PM <DIR> Users
08/31/2007 01:46 AM <DIR> WD_MyBook
09/04/2007 08:43 PM <DIR> Windows
08/24/2007 11:14 PM 158 YServer.txt
13 File(s) 2,461,803,400 bytes
13 Dir(s) 40,504,004,608 bytes free
3. C:\boot.ini has the following - exactly the same as L:\boot.ini
[boot loader]
[operating systems]
multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(1)partition(1)\WINDOWS="Windows Server 2003, Enterprise" /noexecute=optout /fastdetect
4. 2003 has the following in root, L:\
L:\>dir /a
Volume in drive L is 120_2K3
Volume Serial Number is EC11-C94F
Directory of L:\
08/30/2007 12:20 PM <DIR> $RECYCLE.BIN
06/23/2007 02:46 PM 74 autoexec.bat
08/30/2007 01:40 AM 0 AUTOEXEC.BAT.bak
08/28/2007 08:22 PM 209 boot.ini
08/30/2007 01:34 AM 210 boot.ini.bak
04/05/2005 08:00 AM 322,730 bootfont.bin
08/31/2007 12:16 AM <DIR> Config.Msi
09/18/2006 05:43 PM 10 config.sys
08/30/2007 01:40 AM 0 CONFIG.SYS.bak
08/30/2007 01:44 AM <DIR> Documents and Settings
08/30/2007 11:49 PM <DIR> Intel
08/28/2007 11:48 PM 0 IO.SYS
08/30/2007 01:40 AM 0 IO.SYS.bak
08/28/2007 11:48 PM 0 MSDOS.SYS
08/30/2007 01:40 AM 0 MSDOS.SYS.bak
02/18/2007 12:00 AM 94,720 msizap.exe.bak
04/05/2005 08:00 AM 47,772 NTDETECT.COM
04/05/2005 08:00 AM 304,752 ntldr
08/30/2007 09:48 AM 306,288 ntldr.bak
08/31/2007 12:15 AM <DIR> Program Files
08/30/2007 11:27 AM <DIR> RECYCLER
08/30/2007 01:44 AM <DIR> System Volume Information
08/31/2007 12:26 AM <DIR> WINDOWS
08/30/2007 01:41 AM <DIR> wmpub
15 File(s) 1,076,765 bytes
9 Dir(s) 15,000,649,728 bytes free
Please give me a hand solving this problem.
Thanks and best regards,
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