EasyBCD 1.7 and Fedora 7 x86 and x86_64


New Member

I have been trying to get various flavours of Fedora 7 to dual boot with vista using EasyBCD1.7. I have tried with no success to get dual booting to work. The trouble seems to start after I have updated Fedora with a new kernel. I have tried to boot with BCD from the MBR and with GRUB from the boot partition (/dev/sda2), but the kernel hangs up before the welcome screen in all cases.
I also have tried by reformatting the hard drive and reinstalling vista then Fedora 7 with the same results.

Any tips on what to try next?
Hi toxic, welcome to NeoSmart Techonlogies.

This doesn't sound like an EasyBCD-caused bug, so I'll be moving this to the support forum instead.

At any rate, are you deleting and re-creating the EasyBCD Fedora entry each time you reinstall/upgrade the kernel? It's usually not required, but a change to the GRUB subsystem (if such an upgrade was included) would require you to recreate the entries in EasyBCD as well.