EasyBCD 2.0 Beta One GUID HDD with Windows 7 and OSX Retail



i have installed OSX Retail 1.5.6 with the Boot123 CD Method.
I use the Disc Utility to format the HDD. Now i have three partitions:
1. Windows 7
2. OSX
3 Data
The HDD is GUID not MBR.

First i have installed OSX without any problem. At the end it told me that the System can not boot but thats no problem because i have to install Windows 7 first. Ok i installed Windows7 without any problems.

At this time only Windows 7 boots.

In the HDD Management on Windows 7 it shows me that partitions:
1. GPT 200MB
2. Windows 7 (Primary)
3. OSX (Primary)
4. Little unused 128MB big Partition (i dont knwo why)
5. Data (Primary)

On OSX it show only that partitions:
1. Windows 7
2. OSX ( i think its active because there a little icon in the left corner of this partition)
3. Data
The Disc Utility shows me that it was formated with bootcamp, I dont have anything done with bootcamp. I dont know why it told me.

Now i installed EasyBCD 2.0 Beta Build 63
I add a entry:
Name: OSX
Mode: EFI (Default)
No custom drive selected

Here the config file:

# NeoSmart NeoGrub Bootloader Configuration File
# This is the NeoGrub configuration file, and should be located at C:\NST\menu.lst
# Please see the EasyBCD Documentation for information on how to create/modify entries:
# EasyBCD Documentation Home - NeoSmart Technologies Wiki

find --set-root --ignore-floppies /NST/nst_mac.efi
kernel /NST/nst_mac.efi

# All your boot are belong to NeoSmart!

The files are located in

Everything looks right. i have reboot and selected "OSX" in the Bootloader.
Iv i do nothing it take the entry "80" but i get the message:
Gurb not exist or anythin like that. i dont know the right message.

If i choose the entry "82" manual i have the message:
com.apple.boot.plist" not found

What can i do? Please help !!!!

(The other question is how i can add extras kekst files like chameleon or pc_efi_v9?)
OS X (and its boot files) are not correctly installed on your PC; and unfortunately we do not provide support in that area.
ok but please explain me what do you mean with "OS X (and its boot files) are not correctly installed on your PC"
OSX is installed and i can boot but not with easybcd i use the boot123cd
EasyBCD needs the OS X boot files to be on the disk itself, not on a bootable CD.

Depending on the correct or incorrect method used to install OS X, the boot files required by EasyBCD and the EFI bootloader will or will not be available.
That file chainloads Darwin, which should than boot OS X, but if the files to boot OS X are not there than there's nothing EasyBCD can do to make it bootable. At this point you should re-install OS X.
but why i have reinstall osx? it was a fresh install and i think if i would reinstall osx i have the same result. why i can boot with the boot123 cd?
Seeing same issue

Hey guys -

I have to agree with the original poster that something is going on. I am having what I believe is the same issue.

I loaded OSX from a retail DVD onto a Lenovo S10e with an external CD. Went through an install guide from the S10Lenovo forums and all was good. OSX was fully functional. (for reference, see steps 4 and 5 http://www.s10lenovo.com/viewtopic.php?f=33&t=2166) The originator must have had luck with EasyBCD at one point in the past so maybe it's a more recent beta version that is an issue (post was April 9, 2009).

Here's the steps I did.
1. Install OSX from a retail disk 10.5.6 and did the updates to get it to 10.5.7 with the needed drivers. When installing OSX, I left a large partition available to install Win7 later. I was fully functional as OSX.
2. I loaded Win 7 RC onto the 2nd partition and that went flawlessly. I installed EasyBCD.
3. OSX starts to load but does hang during the boot. I suspect that either a recent beta version of EasyBCD added or changed a setting that is causing an issue. I think I am following the discussion here and need to do a little more looking to see what is up. I am new to EasyBCD and OSX.
4. Windows 7 boots fine.

One interesting item however is that in the "View Settings" tab, the bootloader path for Win7 is \Windows\system32\winload.exe but for OSX it's \NST\NeoGrub.mbr. Is it possible that there is just a setting that needs to be changed?

but why i have reinstall osx? it was a fresh install and i think if i would reinstall osx i have the same result. why i can boot with the boot123 cd?
Don't know how this post slipped through our net, but...:brows: The reason you can boot with the boot123 CD in, and can't boot without it, is because the boot files are on the CD, and not on your HDD. Without Darwin being installing to the HDD, EasyBCD can not be used to negotiate the chainloading from Win 7's bootloader.
Hey guys -

I have to agree with the original poster that something is going on. I am having what I believe is the same issue.

I loaded OSX from a retail DVD onto a Lenovo S10e with an external CD. Went through an install guide from the S10Lenovo forums and all was good. OSX was fully functional. (for reference, see steps 4 and 5 http://www.s10lenovo.com/viewtopic.php?f=33&t=2166) The originator must have had luck with EasyBCD at one point in the past so maybe it's a more recent beta version that is an issue (post was April 9, 2009).

Here's the steps I did.
1. Install OSX from a retail disk 10.5.6 and did the updates to get it to 10.5.7 with the needed drivers. When installing OSX, I left a large partition available to install Win7 later. I was fully functional as OSX.
2. I loaded Win 7 RC onto the 2nd partition and that went flawlessly. I installed EasyBCD.
3. OSX starts to load but does hang during the boot. I suspect that either a recent beta version of EasyBCD added or changed a setting that is causing an issue. I think I am following the discussion here and need to do a little more looking to see what is up. I am new to EasyBCD and OSX.
4. Windows 7 boots fine.

One interesting item however is that in the "View Settings" tab, the bootloader path for Win7 is \Windows\system32\winload.exe but for OSX it's \NST\NeoGrub.mbr. Is it possible that there is just a setting that needs to be changed?

Hello Jaz, welcome to NST.
There is nothing wrong with the OS X entry in the BCD being pointed at \NST\NeoGrub.mbr. That is by default and design. NeoGrub is the "negotiator" for chainloading Darwin from Win 7, via the BCD/bootmgr.
So the boot hangs after selecting OS X in the boot menu?
Have you used the latest beta build of EasyBCD?
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Was just going to do an edit with some more info, but someone was quick on the response. Here is some more info...

The reason I think EasyBCD is doing something is that if I boot to the DellMiniBoot CD (this is a boot CD that is basically a modified Darwin bootloader that allows the system to boot on non-Mac hardware). If I boot to that, specify drive 80 and then go, the system will boot to OSX, but not without the boot CD. So, I suspect something changed, or is processing in some way it didn't like. What this says to me though is that the OSX install is still intact and good.

The OSX install hangs a bit of the way into the boot so it does point properly and chain into the OSX loader (it hangs on a blue screen about 20 seconds in). But, I suspect something changed enough that the OS doesn't like.

I am using the latest (beta 63 I think it was) downloaded earlier today. It is possible for one of you guys to tell me what version this guy would have been likely using around April 9th? It may make sense to just try that and see if the symptoms change. Then, if it works, we can try to figure out the differences and where the issue lies.

Thanks again! I'm in the central US so I won't be back to check until tomorrow.

Build 60 was the build available around that time. Since than improvements have been made on the Windows side of things. Nothing there between 60 and the current build appears to have been changed in regards to adding/managing OS X entries.
Are you sure Darwin got installed to the HDD?

It was fully functional as a stand-alone before installing Windows 7 - so yes. I also tried to re-install that portion of things (to allow HD booting) but it didn't change anything.



When I get a few minutes this AM, I am going to try the 60 version that was out in April. Probably won't help anything, but it's something easy to try.

I am wondering whether this is an issue with how Win 7 RC installs versus the Win 7 Beta (Beta was out in April). The partition table looks odd to me, but I wasn't able to see what the table looked like (truly looked like) as OSX was all that was running. However, I have read accounts of people using Win7RC with OSX so I'm not sure what is going on.

I'll let you know what I find, unless I just decide to punt and start over that is.



EDIT again: Well, build 60 didn't change anything (as suspected). I'm leaning toward bagging what I've got and just starting over with a clean install (starting again with OSX).

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Probably best thing to do at this point. I'd install OS X first and than Windows and add an entry for OS X with the latest build of the beta.
Well, with some further searching on the net, it appears that something is going on with the video. I did a test after seeing a post by someone (after doing the exact same thing as me... fully functional OSX and then installing Win7RC) that plugging in an external monitor would then display the login. Sure enough it does. I haven't figured out the solution yet, but apparently this is a common issue for this series of events.

I have no idea how Win7 or anything else could cause something to occur in the OSX partition. My only guess is that one of the booters somewhere might set a register in the video section during boot that then reveals a bug in the OSX drivers.

So, may not reload if I can get it fixed, but it may get to that point. I might just decide to bag on OSX too since I'm mainly just experimenting with the Max OS to see what all the hype is about.

Thanks all.
Interesting...it was the video? If plugging in an external monitor worked, it would appear that the one you were previously using (is this a laptop?) must have a fault in it somewhere. Well, glad you got it almost working. :smile:
Yes, laptop (netbook actually). The LCD would appear to hang as the display would just be solid blue and never change. When you plug in the external monitor, the LCD would turn off and the login screen would appear on the external monitor. Unplugging the external monitor never brings the LCD back though.

Still trying to find a solution that works however...