EasyBCD 2.0 Released!

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Thanks Jake, Mark, and TaintedShirt :smile:

(Peter, too!)


With over 10,000 downloads of EasyBCD yesterday, I had around 60 reports of the same 5 bugs. Fixed in 2.0.1. Can't imagine there is too much more to be fixed... at least, I hope not!

[EBCD-377] - Crash if detailed mode set to default startup
[EBCD-378] - Crash if closing EasyBCD during middle of CreateHandle call
[EBCD-379] - EasyBCD crashes due to incorrect BootGrabber output w/ Reserved Partitions (id 0x74)
[EBCD-380] - Crash when adding Bios Extender entry under certain circumstances
[EBCD-382] - Viewing documentation after adding DOS entry crashes EasyBCD
[EBCD-383] - btnSaveSettings is sometimes enabled when no entry is selected
[EBCD-384] - Change Boot Drive will crash EasyBCD if there's only one partition available for selection
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Seems to be a bug in the released version :frowning:


Reinstalled build 104 - added the entry fine with that.

The final entry is the one added by 104:

Windows Boot Manager
identifier              {9dea862c-5cdd-4e70-acc1-f32b344d4795}
device                  partition=D:
path                    \bootmgr
description             Windows Boot Manager
locale                  en-us
inherit                 {7ea2e1ac-2e61-4728-aaa3-896d9d0a9f0e}
default                 {c76d9c06-7517-11df-87d6-001966657855}
resumeobject            {d45ef6ec-79aa-11df-a7ad-001966657855}
displayorder            {d45ef6ed-79aa-11df-a7ad-001966657855}
toolsdisplayorder       {b2721d73-1db4-4c62-bf78-c548a880142d}
timeout                 5
displaybootmenu         Yes

Windows Boot Loader
identifier              {d45ef6ed-79aa-11df-a7ad-001966657855}
device                  partition=C:
path                    \windows\system32\winload.exe
description             7 x86 Pro
locale                  en-us
inherit                 {6efb52bf-1766-41db-a6b3-0ee5eff72bd7}
osdevice                partition=C:
systemroot              \windows
resumeobject            {d45ef6ec-79aa-11df-a7ad-001966657855}
nx                      OptIn
detecthal               Yes

Windows Boot Loader
identifier              {c76d9c06-7517-11df-87d6-001966657855}
device                  partition=D:
path                    \Windows\system32\winload.exe
description             7 x64
locale                  en-US
osdevice                partition=D:
systemroot              \Windows
resumeobject            {35ada263-7996-11df-a7ad-806e6f6e6963}

Windows Boot Loader
identifier              {f6f76ad7-83df-11df-b3f7-001966657855}
device                  ramdisk=[H:]\best7op1054Ati.wim,{f6f76ad6-83df-11df-b3f7-001966657855}
path                    \Windows\System32\Boot\winload.exe
description             WITH7ZIP
locale                  en-US
osdevice                ramdisk=[H:]\best7op1054Ati.wim,{f6f76ad6-83df-11df-b3f7-001966657855}
systemroot              \Windows
detecthal               Yes
winpe                   Yes

Windows Boot Loader
identifier              {596cb9b5-8979-11df-b8e6-001966657855}
device                  ramdisk=[D:]\32REPboot.wim,{596cb9b4-8979-11df-b8e6-001966657855}
path                    \Windows\System32\Boot\winload.exe
description             32REPWDWREGENTRIES
locale                  en-US
osdevice                ramdisk=[D:]\32REPboot.wim,{596cb9b4-8979-11df-b8e6-001966657855}
systemroot              \Windows
detecthal               Yes
winpe                   Yes

Real-mode Boot Sector
identifier              {54878273-8b04-11df-b6cc-001966657855}
device                  partition=C:
path                    \NST\AutoNeoGrub0.mbr
description             WIN7PE

Real-mode Boot Sector
identifier              {0c35b746-8bc7-11df-9a6e-001966657855}
device                  partition=C:
path                    \NST\AutoNeoGrub2.mbr
description             NeoSmart ISO Entry

Windows Boot Loader
identifier              {0c35b749-8bc7-11df-9a6e-001966657855}
device                  partition=E:
path                    \Windows\system32\winload.exe
description             Windows 7 Professional (recovered) 
locale                  en-US
osdevice                partition=E:
systemroot              \Windows

Windows Boot Loader
identifier              {5d16cfb4-8d44-11df-8d73-001966657855}
device                  ramdisk=[C:]\WIN7PE.WIM,{5d16cfb3-8d44-11df-8d73-001966657855}
path                    \Windows\System32\Boot\winload.exe
description             win7pew
locale                  en-US
osdevice                ramdisk=[C:]\WIN7PE.WIM,{5d16cfb3-8d44-11df-8d73-001966657855}
systemroot              \Windows
detecthal               Yes
winpe                   Yes

Windows Boot Loader
identifier              {d4217b90-8ef1-11df-bbe9-001966657855}
device                  ramdisk=[C:]\MYWIN7PE4.WIM,{d4217b8f-8ef1-11df-bbe9-001966657855}
path                    \Windows\System32\Boot\winload.exe
description             NST WinPE Image
locale                  en-US
osdevice                ramdisk=[C:]\MYWIN7PE4.WIM,{d4217b8f-8ef1-11df-bbe9-001966657855}
systemroot              \Windows
detecthal               Yes
winpe                   Yes
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