I did a clean install of Windows 7 successfully. After all was good, I placed a previously backed up image of WindowsXP on a 2nd drive (using Acronis Home, and copying the disk image/MBR of my previous XP installation).
So I have Windows 7 on hard disk number 1
and my restored image of windows XP on disk number 2
both disks have only one partition.
When I run EasyBCD, there does not appear to be anything written to boot.ini
I tried a blank boot.ini, I tried a copy of boot.ini from the XP image on disk2,
I tried manually editing the boot.ini, and I tried the Beta2 Easybcd,
but none seem to be making any changes to the boot.ini.
When I attempt to load winXp from the boot menu, I either get a blank screen, or, if I
use the boot.ini I edited manually, I get various messages about windows not loading because of a configuration/hardware problem.
I am not sure why EasyBCDbeta@ or EasyBCD are not modifying my boot.ini
Ntdetect, boot.ini, and ntldr are all located on my 1st hard drive, the one that successfully boots Win7,and the one EasyBCE points to when I use Add/delete to try to add an entry for WinXP.
So I have Windows 7 on hard disk number 1
and my restored image of windows XP on disk number 2
both disks have only one partition.
When I run EasyBCD, there does not appear to be anything written to boot.ini
I tried a blank boot.ini, I tried a copy of boot.ini from the XP image on disk2,
I tried manually editing the boot.ini, and I tried the Beta2 Easybcd,
but none seem to be making any changes to the boot.ini.
When I attempt to load winXp from the boot menu, I either get a blank screen, or, if I
use the boot.ini I edited manually, I get various messages about windows not loading because of a configuration/hardware problem.
I am not sure why EasyBCDbeta@ or EasyBCD are not modifying my boot.ini
Ntdetect, boot.ini, and ntldr are all located on my 1st hard drive, the one that successfully boots Win7,and the one EasyBCE points to when I use Add/delete to try to add an entry for WinXP.