Unless you post a screenshot of your disk management, we can't tell from here where your XP is located.
Which one do you select when you boot ?
That's why I gave the instructions in the last post for either one being correct.
If you boot and take no action, after 30 seconds the system pointed to by the default line will be selected.
If that is successful, then obviously the default choice is the correct one.
If the system fails to boot, then the other one must be correct.
If you make a choice, then the default line is not used at all, but the lines relating to the one you chose are.
If you have a single system, then there should only be one of the 2 entries, and the default line should point to the same partition.
In reply to the last question, no. Don't change anything else in the file, just find which is the right partition.
When you have only one choice in boot.ini, you will not be presented with a menu at all.
If you have several choices, but timeout is 0, then the default line is used immediately without presenting you with a menu.
That's why I gave you 2 alternative ways of removing the boot menu.
In reply to your last question - No. Don't alter anything else, just identify which partition is correct and take one of the two courses of action I outlined before.