I hav found in the Net this wonderfull EasyBCD 1.52 Version. I think, is it better as VistaBootPro from Pronetworks-Company. i can now easy light boot my eCS1.2R from the BCD.
I hav a Problem with my Xandros 4.0. I hav not set in Xandros the Bootmanager, that will write in the hda0 (my First Disk) a MBR. When i set this, will not start my BCD from Vista. I hav on my First HDD 3 Primary Partition and the 4.Primary Partition hav 7 logigal
Drives. The Xandros is on the HDD 0 zthe 10. logigal Drive.
My Question: We can i the Xandros OS add to the BCD-Easy 1.52 ?
I hav not installed a Grub or Lilo or another in Xandros. I not unterstand, what is the
"Neo Grub" ? can work this maby for my Option ?
See my Screenshots for my HDD and partitions.
Thank you for Infos...i waiting for answering.
Thank you all.