I have restart my computer and the matter disappeared but the default size of the windows provoke overlappings/disappearance of elements : it is going to need that I reduce at most the translation...
I allows me to return on the problem at the origin of this subject. Indeed this last one arises when the window is not for its size of origin and that we restart either not the application or whether we change language.
I'm sorry, I really don't understand your last reply. Can you try again or post it in your native language and I'll try to find a translation that makes sense?
Le problème que j'évoquais dans ce post apparaît en fait quand la fenêtre n'est plus à sa taille d'origine. il semble indépendant du changement de langue et ou du redémarrage de l'application.
Turning that off will make EasyBCD always start with the default application size. I'll try to add the option to set the size for each dialog by language in the next update.
J'ai compris d'où venait le problème : les menus déroulants de l'onglet Ajouter une nouvelle entrée/Système d'exploitation s'étirent plus "vite" que ne s’élargit la fenêtre...
I understood where from the problem came : drop-down menus of the tab Add new entry/Operating system stretch "faster" than widens the window...