Got new speakers....


Staff member
Only 2.1, but I don't have room for more. My old ones were crackling and the headset jack kept cutting out all the time.
This set is still on sale for only $24.99 refurbished but I can't tell the difference and they sound superb. They have a separate desktop dongle with Off/On/Volume and Bass controls plus the headphone jack.
Mind you I got dinged for the shipping & handling but it still worked out cheaper than buying a brand new set locally.
So now my entire sound is by courtesy of Creative....LOL.
If anyone is looking for plain 2.1 speakers these are excellent.
Link to their March Madness Sale:
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If and when I actually use a PC as a proper media center, then I'll consider better speakers....maybe...:wink:
Strangely enough. I dont use them for proper Media Center. I just use them. :lol: I dont watch movies on here. I game when i can. But mainly i got them cause they were a decent price and i wanted 5.1 speakers. They were selling for aobut $100 when i got them and that was a great price.

It is ncie to game with Doom 3 or FEAR and have something come up from behind you and the rear speakers scream out at you. There haev been several instances where my wife came running into the room cause i was screaming at the PC. She thought i had hurt myself but i was scared by something going bump in the night. :lol:
It is ncie to game with Doom 3 or FEAR and have something come up from behind you and the rear speakers scream out at you. There haev been several instances where my wife came running into the room cause i was screaming at the PC. She thought i had hurt myself but i was scared by something going bump in the night. :lol:

In FEAR, I never saw an enemy coming from behind :tongueout:

Nice speakers, I have awful old genius that I'm not using, I'm using... unmarked headset, it probably had a model name on the box, but anyways, headset I'm using is amazing, damn clean and loud sound. :smile:
My laptop came with dolby 5.1 surround. Does that mean that it supports it or the speakers have 5.1?
"5.1" means 5 speakers + one subwoofer.

I doubt your laptop has 5 speaker and a subwoofer crammed in the two-inch thickness...... :wink:
i used to have these 3 set speakers (logitech) withm a subwoofer but then it got burnt or somthing and the subwoofer hit the wall and startic giving off static with an occasional squack