Grub hangs with latest redhat 5 EL


Hi everybody.

Experiencing "GRUB_" hanging behavior with latest EasyBCD 1.6 trying to boot RedHat EL 5.
Is there any incompatibility known with RH 5?

Can you launch an EasyBCD PowerConsole (from the Useful Utilities) screen and issue this command:

Then paste the output here?
C:\Program Files (x86)\NeoSmart Technologies\EasyBCD\bin>bootpart
Boot Partition 2.60 for WinNT/2K/XP (c)1995-2005 G. Vollant (
WEB : and
Add partition in the Windows NT/2000/XP Multi-boot loader
Run "bootpart /?" for more information

Physical number of disk 0 : c608cccb
0 : C:* type=7 (HPFS/NTFS), size= 102399198 KB, Lba Pos=44
1 : C: type=f (Win95 XInt 13 extended), size= 141735660 KB, Lba Pos=204798440

2 : C: type=7 (HPFS/NTFS), size= 141735638 KB, Lba Pos=204798484
Physical number of disk 1 : 10a03
3 : D:* type=7 (HPFS/NTFS), size= 102400000 KB, Lba Pos=2048
Physical number of disk 2 : 85fca
4 : E:* type=83 (Linux native), size= 104391 KB, Lba Pos=63
5 : E: type=8e , size= 104856255 KB, Lba Pos=208845
6 : E: type=6 (BIGDOS Fat16), size= 51207187 KB, Lba Pos=209921355

C:\Program Files (x86)\NeoSmart Technologies\EasyBCD\bin>
Try this:

bootpart.exe 4 LBA c:\NST\nst_grub.mbr

Then reboot.

Does that take care of it?
Grub is already installed to the bootsector of the RHEL partition. Due to this I can even boot it inside VMWare Workstation, which sees only this unique disk -- shame I can't do it from Vista with your product
Lduhem said:
Grub is already installed to the bootsector of the RHEL partition. Due to this I can even boot it inside VMWare Workstation, which sees only this unique disk -- shame I can't do it from Vista with your product
That's it! :smile:

It's installed to the _MBR_ of the drive that RHEL is installed to. Not the bootsector.

If it were installed to the bootsector, you wouldn't be able to do that.

Boot it up in VMware, and rub
sudo grub
setup (hd0,0)

Then delete and re-create the Linux entry in EasyBCD.