It seems to have some amazing reviews - I'll have to check it out. Thanks for the suggestion!
How's everything else going with you?
Most of the things is well, thanks. Business is good.

I have more ideas than investors, but oh well.
How about you? How's Chicago?
Another excuse to spend money....thanks Sarge. Actually it looks very interesting.
Hope you are well.
Each time I decide to buy a book, I say to myself "I've spent money on many silly things."
Back in the 1950s they were predicting atomic ash-trays and in the 60's they were confident that by 2000 we'd have manned bases on Mars and domestic robots doing all the housework down on little old Earth, where we'd all be heli-commuting to the office to work on the warehouse-sized computer.
Sadly, I'm unlikely to be around in another 88 years to see just how wrong this guy got everything.
Oh Terry, That's one of the first things discussed in this book: why are some predictions wrong and some are right. For example, did you know that German engineers tried to put together a walking-talking robot? Apparently they found plans for such project. There was some french guy who predicted how would we would live today quite exactly because he spoke with researchers and asked what they think the world would look like. So this guy Micho Kaku did the same thing, he spoke with scientists around the world. Each of the predictions shown in this book are actually prototypes of what companies are developing. So, I dare to believe this guy could be right, in my opinion. This book basically is talking about what is done deep in the labs
today. Did you know they managed to teleport an object from point A to point B? As for holograms, IBM expects to develop phones that offer this within 5 years, there are videos on youtube on their official channel. Quantum physics is really great.

I enjoyed this as much as the best Sci-fi movie ever, just that... its all real! :O I loved it.