Hiding a partition,


New Member

I'm looking for a way to dualboot XP and Vista, with a twist. Up till now I used a boot manager called boot-us, which enabled me to hide one XP partition from the other. Problem is, this boot manager uses the MBR. The same one Microsoft Vista just decided to use. so if I install it then Vista cannot boot.
What I'm looking for is:
Either: a way to use vista or easyBCD so apart from managing boots also hide partitions,
Or: a way to install vista BCD not on the MBR, so maybe somewhere else?
Or maybe another solution altogether...

Thanks for reading
Hullo Dave, welcome to NeoSmart Technologies.

The only solution is the first option: getting the Vista bootloader (via EasyBCD only - EXCLUSIVE) to hide the Vista partition before booting into XP or vice versa.

This is currently labeled as an ALPHA fix. If you want to test this, please send me a PM.

Many thanks,