How Do You Edit Dual Boot Choices?


In order to dual boot Vista and Windows 7, using Easy BCD 2.0, I added an boot option pointing to my new Windows 7 Partition. However, Easy BCD 2.0 does not include an option to add Windows 7, so I used the Vista option.

Now my dual boot options are Vista and Vista. How do I edit the option to change the name of the 2nd option to Windows 7?
Use "change settings" and alter the name to whatever you like
Remember to click "save changes"
Wow! That was fun.

A newcomer to Easy BCD, I am. And boy do I sometimes do stupid things.

First, I did the edit and it seemed to work out correctly ... but the new Win 7 dual boot choice was above the Vista Ultimate choice. I wanted Vista first. I thought I knew how to correct it. When I booted again, i had the boot order correct, but no matter which choice i selected, i booted to Win 7. Unfortunately, Easy BCD was on the Vista partition. I fooled around with that for awhile ... couldn't get into Vista, so i finally opened up Computer as I had the Easy BCD downloaded installation file in a directtory on a secondary hard drive. i executed it in Win 7, opened the application and did a few modifications, and voila, everything worked as I wanted it to.

So thank you for your suggestion. it worked, but it proved i need a few good kicks in the head.
Yeah, in the process of moving the Win 7 entry up in the boot menu, you must have adjusted the drive the Vista entry was pointed to in the "Change Settings" section of EasyBCD...:wink:
BTW, changing the boot order doesn't change which entry boots by default, if that's what you're thinking. If you want Vista to boot by default, you can adjust that too by changing the entry in the drop-down menu (also in "Change Settings") to Vista's entry instead of Win 7's.
