IE 7 and DEP Crashes. How To Turn Off DEP?
Hello Everyone,
As far as reinstalling IE 7, did your friend try add, remove, windows components in the add remove programs section of the Control Panel? Vista calls it Programs and something.
About a month ago I started getting a DEP error box when using IE 7. IE has closed to protect your computer from Data Execution Errors. I read the Error Details box and went into the System settings. On the DEP screen, you have 2 options. DEP On for All Programs or DEP on for essential Windows Programs only. I tried both options, still DEP errors.
I tried telling Vista to exclude IE from DEP. But still DEP contined to close IE. I got so many DEP Errors, I finally switched to FireFox, which does not even have a DEP TAB in its settings or options. FireFox still gets a few DEP crashes, but not many.
Searching for solutions, the only possible solution I found was to download Easy BCD. Some PC owners had mentioned one could turn off DEP by using BCD. I have downloaded and installed the latest version of BCD. How would I use it to turn off DEP? Is it safe to do so and will this fix my browsers crashing because of DEP being turned on by default.?
I am on a home network, so have a firewall in the router. Also have Windows Live Care Firewall On. All of the browser crashes I get the DEP Error Box on, I am simply reading email , or viewing a web page and using an internal link to go to another part of the web page.
I can not find anyone online, who agrees on what exactly is causing the DEP closing the browsers. Is there some kind of DEP malware or virus? I can not even find a goggle explanation of what DEP is and why it even exists.
I have tried also resetting or restoring the IE to its default settings, no toolbars, etc when you first install IE.
Thanks for any help. Constantly having to reopen IE or FireFox because of crashes to the desktop is driving me crazy. This is the only Vista problem I have had in almost 2 yrs of using Vista. My Hardware is an Vista Desktop HP, with 2 gigs of memory, 320 gig hard drive. Dual AMD cpus. Windows Live Care is my virus checker. I have tried different spyware programs but they all say PC is clean.
Happy 2009