Installing XP Second


hi! i have vista rc1 installed now, but i want to install xp on a second partition to play a certain game that crashes rc1. i overwrote my vista dvdrw so i can't use the bootsect method. can i use easybsd to reactivate the vista boot screen?

once you're in xp, install easybcd and run it. under "manage bootloader", select "reinstall the vista bootloader" then click "write mbr".
hey, thanks for the quick reply. I installed it, but it won't run on XP. When I try to run EasyBCD 1.5.1 on XP Pro it gives me a "failed to initialize the program error"

If it's possible, I can easily solve this problem if someone can email me a copy of bootsect.exe from a post RC1 vista disk :wink:.


I just realized there's a copy of bootsect.exe in the easybcd install directory. It fixed my issue. THANK YOU VERY MUCH!!!!
Hi xeraphine, welcome to NeoSmart Technologies :smile:

That's an interesting error, do you have the .NET Framework 2.0 installed on XP?

Glad you got your problem fixed!
I am having the same problem with XP.
I clobbered the Vista boot loader installing XP and don’t have a Vista recovery disk. I need to repair the Vista loader.

A couple of questions:

1. What is bootsect.exe and where is it documented?
2. Where are bootsect.exe and the Easybcd install directory?
Hello msellis, welcome to NeoSmart Technologies.

Just install and run EasyBCD (latest beta! see stickied thread for dl link).
EasyBCD | Diagnostics | Reset BCD Data
Thanks for the help. Great site.

I can't find the latest beta (1.6.1?) you referenced. Where is it located? Earlier today I downloaded version 1.6.2683.20667. The menus read

Easybcd | diagnostics Center | Reset BCD storage

Additionally, will this run under XP Pro? I don't know if .NET 2.0 is installed and I'm not sure how to tell.
OK. I installed 1.61. It runs fine under Vista Home Premium on another machine. I am still getting the "App failed to initialize properly" message in XP.

Any ideas?

I noticed that it sets up the "start in" directory as "documents and settings\all users\favorites" and there is a shortcut pointing to Does it need to access that URL?
Thanks for the .NET. That got EasyBCD up and I rebuilt the Vista loader and am running dual boot like a top. Thanks a million.