Is it possible to boot from VHD file?

Hi xut, welcome to NST

I'm not famillar with a vhd file. However, this sounds like you are talking about a virtual machine based on the topic. If this is the case, EasyBCD can be used from within a virtual machine to read only the bcd store for that machine (assuming its a Vista VM). It won't be able to read and preform repair operations/edits on the host OS or any other OSes installed physically on the hard drive. EasyBCD in its self is not a bootable utility. It must be ran under Windows with .net installed to work properly.
EasyBCD 2.0 has a number of new Windows 7 exclusive features including the ability to boot from a VHD file!

EasyBCD 2.0 is going to be big... we just need you to bear with us for a bit while it's being developed. :smile:
Hmm... very interesting feature indeed. Didn't know about it until now :smile:

First time i've ever seen a virtual disk that could be booted as a host OS. But what's the purpose of it though when one could just install a second instance of Windows 7 to another partition or hard drive?

Unless one could put and boot this virtual disk off a usb device where it normally could not be installed/booted.
Exactly. :smile:

You haven't heard about it because I haven't finished it yet, though :lol:

EBCD2 is going to be really, really cool :grinning:
Well didn't know about it anyway, but glad to hear EasyBCD 2.0 final well support it :smile:

You haven't heard about it because I haven't finished it yet, though :lol:

I didn't know about it until now really because:
a. I haven't used VPC in awhile so forgot about the file types and such
b. Have not fiddled around with or read up that much on Windows 7


But what's the purpose of it though when one could just install a second instance of Windows 7 to another partition or hard drive?

Unless one could put and boot this virtual disk off a usb device where it normally could not be installed/booted.

Actually, theres a few more purposes I can think of for this...

1) Virtual PC can use these files, so one could either use the VM as a host or guest OS as they want/need to.
2) Use the vhd files as a backup for re-installs
3) Use the vhd file as a backup plan to get back into your computer when its not bootable via your normal OS.

Anyone know if this will include the capability to install and use previous version of Windows in vhd files or if Vista's bootloader will eventually support it if it doesn't already?
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Yes, you *should* be able to use VHDs containing previous versions of Windows... if it's written write :grinning: