Hi! I hope to reach someone who can help me with the following situation I'm in.
I'm running an XP & Vista dualboot system on my desktop.
Windows XP boots up but never reaches the log-in screen, but instead gives an error saying: Application failed to initialize properly: lsass.exe
I've tried a couple of things to fix it but I have no XP cd lying around anymore so I don't know how to repair it.
But Vista still works fine so I'd greatly appreciate it if someone could tell me how to copy my personal files from the XP partition to my Vista partition. I can only see all the stuff in the XP Program Files folder but nothing on Desktop or My Documents for example.
Both partitions share the same harddisk.
Please let me know if/how this is possible, thanks for your time!
I'm running an XP & Vista dualboot system on my desktop.
Windows XP boots up but never reaches the log-in screen, but instead gives an error saying: Application failed to initialize properly: lsass.exe
I've tried a couple of things to fix it but I have no XP cd lying around anymore so I don't know how to repair it.
But Vista still works fine so I'd greatly appreciate it if someone could tell me how to copy my personal files from the XP partition to my Vista partition. I can only see all the stuff in the XP Program Files folder but nothing on Desktop or My Documents for example.
Both partitions share the same harddisk.
Please let me know if/how this is possible, thanks for your time!