I knew it would happen sooner or later and I was correct.
I have been using EASY BCD for quite a while and find it great for dual boots with Windows. I have many problems when adding Linux to it. You all have helped me many times in the past.
Here is the current problem.
I am at work using my laptop now, & do not have access to the desktop (problem) machine right now. I cannot remember which drive is called what. So, my narrative is somewhat generic.
My system hasn't had any hardware changes recently.
Something I was messing with the other day changed the boot order in the BIOS. The result was that I lost my Mepis 8.0.15 install. It is still there, I just cannot access it without the Live CD.
I thought I got the BIOS order back; however, it does not work. Vista & Seven both boot OK==I get the Error 17 when attempting to boot Mepis. I booted Mepis via the Live CD and reinstalled GRUB to Root. I rebooted via the Live CD and copied menu.lst to my Vista drive so that I could access it from Vista. It always saves it as a big glob of words==no formatting at all. PITA.
I have 3 SATA drives.
My boot drive has Vista & 7 on it, with Vista being listed as "System".
Another drive has no OS, just two storage partitions.
The third drive has 4 partitions==3 for Mepis and a fourth for other things.
Remember, I cannot (at this time) tell what the drive identifications are.
I simply cannot remember how getting Mepis to boot last time was accomplished.
I have EASY BCD 2.0 build 78 installed. It worked fine till I messed it up==Not an EASY BCD problem.
I need guidance on the steps to configure NeoGrub & menu.lst.
Specifically, do I copy menu.lst into the NST folder?
Do I need to modify menu.lst in some fashion to reflect where Mepis is?
Do I need to modify the menu.lst in Mepis?
(Getting old is not fun==memory going & hair nearly gone.)
I think that I can do it if I have some general guidance. I cannot locate any help files that cover this situation.
Jerry in Anchorage
I knew it would happen sooner or later and I was correct.
I have been using EASY BCD for quite a while and find it great for dual boots with Windows. I have many problems when adding Linux to it. You all have helped me many times in the past.
Here is the current problem.
I am at work using my laptop now, & do not have access to the desktop (problem) machine right now. I cannot remember which drive is called what. So, my narrative is somewhat generic.
My system hasn't had any hardware changes recently.
Something I was messing with the other day changed the boot order in the BIOS. The result was that I lost my Mepis 8.0.15 install. It is still there, I just cannot access it without the Live CD.
I thought I got the BIOS order back; however, it does not work. Vista & Seven both boot OK==I get the Error 17 when attempting to boot Mepis. I booted Mepis via the Live CD and reinstalled GRUB to Root. I rebooted via the Live CD and copied menu.lst to my Vista drive so that I could access it from Vista. It always saves it as a big glob of words==no formatting at all. PITA.
I have 3 SATA drives.
My boot drive has Vista & 7 on it, with Vista being listed as "System".
Another drive has no OS, just two storage partitions.
The third drive has 4 partitions==3 for Mepis and a fourth for other things.
Remember, I cannot (at this time) tell what the drive identifications are.
I simply cannot remember how getting Mepis to boot last time was accomplished.
I have EASY BCD 2.0 build 78 installed. It worked fine till I messed it up==Not an EASY BCD problem.
I need guidance on the steps to configure NeoGrub & menu.lst.
Specifically, do I copy menu.lst into the NST folder?
Do I need to modify menu.lst in some fashion to reflect where Mepis is?
Do I need to modify the menu.lst in Mepis?
(Getting old is not fun==memory going & hair nearly gone.)
I think that I can do it if I have some general guidance. I cannot locate any help files that cover this situation.
Jerry in Anchorage