Mac osx-windows vista

i'm using EasyBCD 1.7, and i want to dual-boot mac and vista. When i'm in EasyBCD, i can select mac osx, but when i reboot it says "chain boot error"(or something like that). can anyone help me?
That means the "method" you used to install OS X has a bug in it. If OS X will not boot correctly on its own (i.e. without the Vista bootloader in the first place) then EasyBCD will work. However, if your OS X isn't correctly installed and configured with a working bootloder, EasyBCD won't be able to help you much.
i have booted in mac osx before, when i had not installed EasyBCD, i deactivated my vista harddisk and mac osx booted without problems. i think mac osx has no inslall problems. I guess the problem is that i installed mac osc on a second harddisk, not a partition?
I think it is because you deavtivated you Vista hard drive when you install OS X. I have read in a few other topics that has created problems with others as well.
OK, I understand what you're saying now.

Try setting up a NeoGrub entry instead then:
Add/Remove Entries -> NeoGrub -> Add
Configure, and stick this in there:

rootnoverify (hdx,y)
chainloader +1

Replace the x and y in the above code with the number of the hard drive and the number of the partition - both start counting from zero.

If it's the first partition of the second drive, it would be (hd1,0)
i have booted in mac osx before, when i had not installed EasyBCD, i deactivated my vista harddisk and mac osx booted without problems. i think mac osx has no inslall problems. I guess the problem is that i installed mac osc on a second harddisk, not a partition?
Sorry that line there kinda confused me.:S
I think he meant he temporarily deactivated the drive from the BIOS after he installed OS X and it worked - then he re-activated it as a test of the darwin bootloader.
yes, that was the word I was looking for! Do I have to do anything special or do I just copy/paste the code? my computer call it drive 0, the drive is not partitioned. so I assume it would be "(hd0,0)"?
in vista drive manager the harddisk containing macosx is called "drive 0" it has no partitions on it. so "hd0,0"seems right.but when I boot with neogrub, it just displays some text, including the text I pasted, and does nothing.What did I do wrong?
If you manually type those commands into the GRUB console, it should give you an error - paste it here.

I'd bet that your HD numbering is off though.
CG doesnt mean "off" like a light switch. CG means that OS X isnt the first partition on yoru first hard drive so that it would be PArtition 0,0 like that. He thinks that it is off in the sense that OS X would in fact be 0,1 or on teh first partition of your first hard drive.
In either XP or Vista go Start>Run>compmgmt.msc and then go under the disc management. There is should give you a idea of the partitions and what is on it.
it says: drive(or disk) 0. that drive is unpartitioned. so I guess (hd0,0) was the right thing? Is there a possibility that the code i saw here was misstyped? how should the "NeoGrub Bootloader Configuration File" look like?