I burned the ISO image of the Windows Vista Recovery Disk (32b) (120MB) and all that, restarted my computer and pressed F2, I saved my settings (F10), it restarted, then I pressed F8, and selected the "repair computer" option. It seemed to have worked at first, but even after 5 hours, there was that green bar there, loading into fathomless depths. How long does it take?
Oh, and after this, I pressed F2 (for PhoenixBIOS settings), and tried changing boot order, then I saved the configuration settings, it restarted, and said "press any key to reboot from cd / dvd" .. it then loaded the files, but the same problem with it never ending came to be.
I don't have a backup from when I first got my computer, so I can't restore from the "backup and restore wizard", and my system restore points are only a few days old at the most. What could've happened to the very first restore points? How can I access them?
Oh, and after this, I pressed F2 (for PhoenixBIOS settings), and tried changing boot order, then I saved the configuration settings, it restarted, and said "press any key to reboot from cd / dvd" .. it then loaded the files, but the same problem with it never ending came to be.
I don't have a backup from when I first got my computer, so I can't restore from the "backup and restore wizard", and my system restore points are only a few days old at the most. What could've happened to the very first restore points? How can I access them?