Missing NTLDR - how to recover it?


I have an HP laptop with Vista pre installed and wanted to dual boot with Ubuntu.

All is well with the Ubuntu install but I thought I might put the Vista bootloader in to see what that is like.

I installed EasyBCD and added the the linux install before writing the MBR. I reboot and can get into Vista but could not get into Linux (it tried to load the recovery part) So I figure I selected the wrong part and will change it to point to the correct one, no big issue.

So the trouble started when I though well I dont really need the windows boot loader and so I clicked the uninstall windows bootloader and hit the write button. I then reboot and hey presto GRUB cannot load Vista as the NTLDR is missing.

I have had a read around this formum and I am going to try loading the Recovery Console from the XP cd I have and try running fixmbr and fixboot.

Any other assistance is greatly appreciated.

Hi ben, welcome to NST.

You need the Vista recovery console, not the XP one.
Boot from the Vista DVD -> Advanced/startup repair -> Repair my Startup.

That should take care of it :smile:
Hi Guru.

Thanks for the reply.

I inserted the recovery DVD (OEM version - built from recovery program) and the only options under the advanced button were:

1. MS System Restore
2. File Backup wizard
3. System Recovery
4. Factory reset

There was nothing like startup repair even beyond these when selected.


I think the snag is that I have an OEM version of Vista which means no Vista DVD which incidently is the only way to get the recovery console.

This seems a little odd when I paid for the OS and I do not get access to the tools to repair it like other Vista users.

I called HP and asked how to get the Console up and they said to use the recovery tool and reimage the laptop, I said no I just want the console to which I was told I could not recieve support because I have installed another OS (linux) next to Vista and that I had deleted the partitions and that was when the line went dead.

I am at the stage where I simple reimage and install the apps again it would take less time but leave a nasty taste in my mouth after being treated so poorly by HP Support.

here is my suggestion:

That there is some where in the program EasyBCD, when a user decides to install and then uninstall the windows bootloader that it does not delete the NTLDR.

That way OEM users of Vista can recover without reimaging the box.

I think the original issue applies with OEM vista users that I dont get a DVD and so no access to bootrec or recovery console.

Can I get boot rec on it's own and run it from say a bood CD?