I had windows 7 for about half a year on this new pc, I had about half of HD unpartiotioned, was saving it to install MAC OSX later.
Today I activated that unused partitioned through windows disk manager, and Created another boot through EasyBCD befor installing OSX. Restarted PC, and now getting messege "Operating System not Found" when trying to boot.
tested HD, HD is ok not crashed.
Tried repairing through Win 7 DVD, no luck,
tried "system repair": OS doesn't apear ther
tried comand prompt: got messege "check if directory or something isn't corrupt" something like that.
ttried ultimate boot cd: could figure out how to do a repair
I don't care about OSX anymore, need Win7 to be running again (I have lots of audio samples and music projects,and music software, afraid I might loose them)
i just connected the hdd to another computer, and i could open and everything, so i guess the hdd isn't crashed.
I also deleted that raw unused hdd space that i was gonna partition with OSX.. and Still can't boot.
but now i get slighly different messege: "..not found..select a bootable device... restart.."
I tried repair form dvd again, OS doesn't show up there either
Today I activated that unused partitioned through windows disk manager, and Created another boot through EasyBCD befor installing OSX. Restarted PC, and now getting messege "Operating System not Found" when trying to boot.
tested HD, HD is ok not crashed.
Tried repairing through Win 7 DVD, no luck,
tried "system repair": OS doesn't apear ther
tried comand prompt: got messege "check if directory or something isn't corrupt" something like that.
ttried ultimate boot cd: could figure out how to do a repair
I don't care about OSX anymore, need Win7 to be running again (I have lots of audio samples and music projects,and music software, afraid I might loose them)
i just connected the hdd to another computer, and i could open and everything, so i guess the hdd isn't crashed.
I also deleted that raw unused hdd space that i was gonna partition with OSX.. and Still can't boot.
but now i get slighly different messege: "..not found..select a bootable device... restart.."
I tried repair form dvd again, OS doesn't show up there either
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