Missing Rundll32.exe


I've been missing this for a while now, and no one seems to know how to help. I'm not able to get into my security center anymore and a whole lot of other stuff. When it try's to run a black CMD box pops up and goes away really quick. Sometimes it also says "a temporary file needed for initialization could not be created or could not be written to. Make sure that the directory path exist, and disk space is available". Any idea's?
If you are running XP the simple process for seeing that problem corrected is expanding a replacement copy from the I386 folder found on the XP installation disk. When booting up to the recovery console type: "expand <CD-ROM drive letter:>\i386\rundll32.ex_ %Systemroot%\rundll32.exe" and press the enter/return key. You should see that cleaned up on the next startup.

That's one problem that goes all the way back to 98.
@Pc eye

Thanks for replying PC eye. Unfortunately I'm not running xp I have vista. if I sound like a sound like a lost newbie, it's because I am. How would I go about extracting it with vista?
The WMI diagnosis utility would be the thought on that for Vista. The rundll library has been a common item seen in Windows since 98 with the information on the utility seen at http://www.microsoft.com/technet/scriptcenter/topics/help/wmidiag.mspx

The latest download is found at http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/...d6-18d1-4d05-b11e-4c64192ae97d&displaylang=en

That should go a lot easier since Vista no longer saw the recovery console but the new repair tools section instead. I'll be giving that a try on 7 to see how things go there with it.