Moving The Bootloader

No I just marked the system drives. Here is the log.
NeoSmart intelliLogger 1.0
Logging started on 04/07/2010 at 19:37 using log level Debug

19:37 Vista Hide 'n Seek
19:37 Boot drive: C:\
19:37 Listing drives involved in the procedure.
19:37 Z as XP
19:37 J as Unknown
19:37 I as Unknown
19:37 H as Unknown
19:37 G as Unknown
19:37 F as Unknown
19:37 C as Vista
19:37 Beginning Install process.
19:37 Attempting to rename C:\boot.ini to C:\boot.ini.hns
19:37 Copying NTLDR and NTDETECT.COM to Z:\
19:37 Creating boot.ini on Z as partition(1)
19:37 Creating Vista entry in menu.lst.
19:37 Adding XP entry Z to menu.lst
19:37 Renaming BOOTMGR, creating GRLDR on C:\
19:37 Renaming BOOTMGR, creating GRLDR on Z:\
19:37 Updating the bootsector on all partitions.
19:37 HnS installation successfully completed. Happy dual-booting!

Vista drive is completely hidden from the XP direction when viewing my computer in XP mode. But you can see the H drive but it is identified as Local Disk (H) and is not accessable, rather than as ' Software (H)'. A glitch I guess. Mike
I have vague memories from a while back of a similar problem reported here.
A partition healthy when viewed from one side but broken looked at from the other.
From memory I think it had to be resolved by reformatting from the bad side, only possible if it's empty (or can be emptied and restored)
Come to think of it, I seem to recall the same, Terry. Thanks for helping jog my memory!

I definitely remember it was the newer OS that saw it fine, and the older one that didn't.... IIRC we figured there was something not backwards compatible in the way the partition was created.
I had dual boot, Windows XP Pro and Windows 7. Suddenly there's only XP, Windows 7 is missing from boot option. I want back windows 7 in dual boot option. How to do? Someone help, please.
I had dual boot, Windows XP Pro and Windows 7. Suddenly there's only XP, Windows 7 is missing from boot option. I want back windows 7 in dual boot option. How to do? Someone help, please.
Get EasyBCD 2.0, and install it in XP.
Use it to add a W7 entry to the BCD, making sure to point it at the drive letter of the W7 partition (as seen from XP).