Don't know the correct technical term, but currently booting 7 OS installations - multiple instalations of Win 7,Vista and XP for now. I just discovered iReboot a few days ago and it is awesome in this setup (donation will be forthcoming). While Hibernate works flawlessly when booting with iReboot or Windows boot manager, unfortunately It does not when I boot from the Acronis boot manager (OSS) directly to Vista or Win 7. Acronis OSS cannot swap drives correctly (at least not for Vista and Win 7), which means any Vista+ OS not on drive 0 will end up sharing the BCD with the active OS on drive 0 even if it is active and has its own bootloader and BCD (I don't know if this is a Windows bug or just another annoying 'feature')
. Somehow this causes hibernation and hybrid sleep to not work unless I boot from OSS to the active OS on drive 0 and then use it's menu to get where I want to go.
So I guess I'm fishing for a different setup where my XP installations won't bother Vista and Win 7 (and since vista doesn't always seem to agree with XP's partitioning, maybe hiding XP from Vista and Win 7)
Will Hibernate still work correctly with HnS? If so, I assume it always goes through the boot manager / BCD Windows forces you to use :wtf:. I know HnS is still in beta, but at this point does this seem to be a viable solution or is there another better way to do this?
Any suggestions are welcome - sorry if I didn't post in the right place. Thanks.
So I guess I'm fishing for a different setup where my XP installations won't bother Vista and Win 7 (and since vista doesn't always seem to agree with XP's partitioning, maybe hiding XP from Vista and Win 7)
Will Hibernate still work correctly with HnS? If so, I assume it always goes through the boot manager / BCD Windows forces you to use :wtf:. I know HnS is still in beta, but at this point does this seem to be a viable solution or is there another better way to do this?
Any suggestions are welcome - sorry if I didn't post in the right place. Thanks.