Multiple desktops - beeing in the cube


Hi I would like a multiple desktop that works in the following way:By moving the mouse twice to one side the view should retreat a little bit and show the other desktop around, then the visual should shift to the side where the mouse arrow goes.Like beeing in the center of a cube, instead of beeing in front of the cube.In this way switching panel it would be like watching a monitor on your side.Obviously the function should work by dragging also a window of a program. Just taking the windows twice to the side of the display should then show that there is one other side placed with about an angle of 95 degrees to the main desktop. And when bringing the arrow on that desktop and releasing should bring the main view there.It must not need extra keys to be pushed.The sensitivity of the movement of the view inside the cube, going from one side to the other should be like the one on the iphone when passing from a window to the other.The view should move as if you would touch the screen, when your increase of speed is linear and fluid. If it is discontinuous, or it goes quickly a bit back, the view should return normal. But until you move the arrow in a fluid way it should stay in "the cube mode" allowing you to see the differents screens.That's my idea for having a better pc experience.Can you make something like this?Until now to have multiple desktops, because of practical reasons, I cud only use windows pager. But this little program lacks the switch of the display "without a mouse click". My idea is that it should work without a mouse click until you don't want to do something with your programs or folders.That's it. Tanks for reading
I posted this via Iphone, and even I adjusted the text it has cutted out the new paragraphs and the empty spaces.
So here is it how it should have been from the beginning:

Hi I would like a multiple desktop that works in the following way:

By moving the mouse twice to one side the view should retreat a little bit and show the other desktop around, then the visual should shift to the side where the mouse arrow goes.

Like beeing in the center of a cube, instead of beeing in front of the cube as shown here:

In this way switching panel it would be like watching a monitor on your side. Obviously the function should work by dragging also a window of a program. Just taking the windows twice to the side of the display should then show that there is one other side placed with about an angle of 95 degrees to the main desktop.

And when bringing the arrow on that desktop and releasing should bring the main view there.

It must not need extra clicks to be activated, it must work only with the mouse movement.
The sensitivity of the movement of the view inside the cube, going from one side to the other, should be like the one on the iphone when passing from a window to the other.

When your mouse movement is linear and fluid, the view should move at that speed to the other desktop. If, after entered in the cube mode the mouse movement is discontinuous, or it goes quickly a bit back, the view should return normal. But until you move the arrow in a fluid way it should stay in "the cube mode" allowing you to see the differents screens.

That's my idea for having a better pc experience. Can you make something like this? Until now to have multiple desktops -because of practical reasons- I cud only use windows pager. But this little program lacks the switch of the display "without a mouse click". My idea is that it should work without a mouse click until you don't want to do something with your programs or folders.
That's it.
Tanks for reading

by the way, has somebody readed this post?
what do you think?
is something not clear?
if you don't care about my idea that's perfectly fine, I don't expect anything, was just wondering if it was understandable, or eventually what is not clear about it.

and if you think something else you can tell.


ps qi player, my nickname since years on one other forums, means that I play with qi, wich also is ki, wich means body energy/vitality. :wink:
Hi qi player,

I have read your post, and I know for a fact that there is software that already does this, because I've used it maybe 8 or 9 years back. I can't recall its name, however.
Is this something like the Cube style interface that was introduced with Linux and compiz a few years ago? I have seen Beta software that kinda emulates this but nothing to that extent on Windows.
It came on one of those shareware CDs that were so popular a decade ago.... it was similar to what the Linux ones you're referring to..
Is this something like the Cube style interface that was introduced with Linux and compiz a few years ago? I have seen Beta software that kinda emulates this but nothing to that extent on Windows.

Hi, thanks for reply!

the cube desktop of wich you (I think) talk about, by pressing a key, let's you see a cube with different desktops in front of you, then with the mouse you make it rotate in front of you, and when you release the key you go to the desktop that's in front of you.

What I mean is different, I want to see the cube from the inside. And beeing able to use it without keys.

I tried a few one with the cube but they didn't work in a practical way and are not what I look for :wink:

You can find those other here:

these all simulate that you are seeing the cube from one side, and you change desktop by moving away from it's surface and making rotate it in front of you.

I want one that simulates that the user is inside the cube. That activate itself going twice with the mouse to the border of the desktop. And then let's you see the other cube sides from the inside.

Like if you are in the center of a squared room, you look to the wall in front of you, and if you want you turn your eyes to the wall beside you.

To Computer guru, are you shure you are not talking about the classical cube desktop? Seeing your nickname, I believe you know very well what you talk about :wink:
Ok I will look for that one you saw.

Ps, I don't know if you play games, I really miss some good air combat simulator, I still remember doing missions in Iraq with the F15 III...