Need help using EasyBCD


I am new to EasyBCD and I need help configuring the boot settings for my PC.

My PC originally had WinXP Home installed on the C drive. Recently I installed Vista on a second hard drive - the H drive. The system boots fine into the Vista boot manager (or whatever it is called) and I have the option to boot either OS and they can both boot.

I would like to try booting without the original XP drive (c) but when I try to do so (by disconnecting the power and SATA cables from this drive) the system tells me that no boot drive is found (or something like that). I even tried changing the SATA cable that was for the C drive to the H drive with no luck.

How do I use EasyBCD to make my H drive bootable so that I can boot without the c drive present? Can I set things up so that I can later reinstall my c drive with XP and go back to the dual boot configuration that I have now but use the h drive as the bootable drive? Will it be possible to reverse this and make the C drive the bootable drive again.

Note that both of these drives are SATA.
You need to set the H:\ drive to the boot drive when you disconnect the C:\ drive. Then you need to make sure that the boot files are on this drive. It is not a function of EasyBCD to do this. You haev to do this with Windows ot another application.