It won't make a blind bit of diffrence, the memory is nackered, once an app access the faulty memory sector, on 2k, Xp, 2003 it makes Explorer thow a fit (As Explorer Manges the memory)
And how would you do that, im not aware you can select programs to monitor, I know you can exclude programs as the problems happen, but i don't think it would work as when i turned DEP off my system started BSOD'in on me with DEP error codes.
But in 98 the program just crashes, thats the end of it, just restart the program the the bad memory is flaged as bad so it don't be used until next restart. Im saving up, can get 2GB PC3200 NON-ECC mid next week.
The progrlem being my memory can from a old server, and i was wrong, it is PC2100, it has been passed from server to server, then to my machine, and its not had a good life, i think it is time to put it to rest in silicone hevean.
I am just going to replace it with brand new memory, my system is being bottle necked by the fact that the memory is sooooo slow, and its latency is crap, (DAM THATS CRAP) but its supposed to be very stable, until it claps out and dies like it has. :booyah:
If anyone knows where i can get 1GB PC3200 NON ECC DDR RAM from (other than EBAY) for £30 per module including shipping, as thats the cheapest i have found sofar, im not fussed about brand, or latency, solong as its 3200, NON-ECC and the latency is better than my current setup.