Hello I've been searching trying to find out what i need to do. My HTPC is on it's last leg, it's about 6 years old I've been getting error messages saying the system shut down unexpectedly then in the windows report it says it is the blue screen of death error, so I'm thinking the hard drive is about to bite the dust, (which is fine as i've been wanting to upgrade!) so I've gone to newegg and ordered all my new parts hd, mobo, graphics card, etc. the question is how do i get my windows vista onto new HD do i transfer it off of old HD or can i just use my installation disk? I've contacted the windows 800 number and they said as long as I transfered it from old HD to new, and it was only being used on one, I was fine.. plz help i do not want to build the computer and not be able to load disk and i do not want to have to buy a new copy of vista considering i only have had it a year and a half and payed 200 bucks for it. Any help would be greatly appreciated! thanks