New EasyBCD option?


Distinguished Member
@CG: How about an option in EasyBCD to add Linux to the boot menu when a user only has XP and Linux, and XP is controlling the boot? You could have it run bootpart for that...
bootpart.exe [I]bootpartPartitionNumberForLinuxPartition[/I] C:\linux.lnx Linux
To boot.ini you mean?

EasyBCD doesn't currently support being used except with the Vista+ bootloader in place, though atm.....

Actually, in the latest builds, you can go ahead and use EasyBCD on a an XP-only system, but almost everything inside is grayed-out and inaccessible. You only have access to the MBR tools and a couple of other things that can be used to fix the boot process.
The previous bootpart command I just posted will add an entry to the XP boot.ini called "Linux", and also create a file in the root of the C: partition called "linux.lnx". Basically, that "linux.lnx" file is a "special bootsector" by C.H. Hochstaetter, actually a 512 byte assembly program, in a format compatible with a bootsector, that will "chainload" another partition's bootsector (in this case, the bootsector of the Linux partition).
Well, it's certainly doable, but it would open the floodgates of XP support. It doesn't make much sense to add *just* linux to boot.ini support.. why stop there, it should support OS X, multiple XPs, etc. Not saying that's necessarily a bad idea, either. Just lots of food for thought :smile:
Well, it's certainly doable, but it would open the floodgates of XP support.
Yeah, but that's what we want, isn't it? :brows:
The more people who need support on not-so-common issues, the funner it makes these forums. :wink:
The same old issues on "I can't multiboot Vista/7 with XP" get boring after a while.
It doesn't make much sense to add *just* linux to boot.ini support.. why stop there, it should support OS X, multiple XPs, etc. Not saying that's necessarily a bad idea, either. Just lots of food for thought :smile:
Yes, you're right. I say you get right on it, adding support for adding Linux, OS X, and other XP's to boot.ini, right away! :smile:
Developing the app to add the newest features in support of a dying system doesn't seem very strategic.
I can't imagine anyone's out there contemplating writing Easybootini at this time.
A tutorial in the wiki on adding esoteric entries to boot.ini might have more cost-benefit in time spent against potential use.
If you write it Jake, I'm sure CG will include it.
It'll give us another link we can point people to.
Well, many people out there are still using XP (either because they're not aware of a newer OS, or because they prefer XP over Vista, and they don't want to throw away a couple hundred bucks on a new computer or a W7 installation disk). True, probably the number of people who have a computer with just XP and Linux on it are not that many, but still, I don't think adding that option to EasyBCD would take that much of CG's time, and I'm sure those few people who both know about it and will use it will find it useful...
Anyway, it was just an idea I had after recently reading a thread started by someone with exactly that kind of system.
I'd be happy to write up an article on how to add it manually, but its something I'll have to do in my spare time. I'll try to get it done tomorrow.
You'd be amazed at the number of people who have not migrated to Vista/7 yet. And for good reason - if they don't have a 16 core i300 or the latest AMD "HolyS**T!-987654" processor, performance is kind-a REALLY lame.

IMOHO - I personally think Vista harfs donkey-doo. 7, by comparison is actually usable. So long as you got the horsepower under the hood. That trusty 'ole Socket 7 processor you've got won't cut it.

Again, IMOHO - modifying EasyBCD to expand into non-BCD based boot protocols is like taking a gigundo Caterpillar earth-mover and using it to mow your lawn. Doable, but massively overkill - and the mods would cost several mints, one or two fortunes, and a whole lotta dough. For what would be a trivial return. AFAIK, I do believe that there are a number of quite capable boot-managers out there for XP and it's siblings.

What say ye?
