Acronis media builder is for building spare bootable Acronis media itself and is not for making backups. Its main purpose for being there is so users who buy and download the software on line can burn bootable disc media like someone who bought a hard copy, though the disadvantage is that media created using the media builder cannot be used for installing Acronis TI in Windows while the hard copy you buy from a store can.
I don't see whats hard here. Let Acronis do the work and burn the discs for you as you create the archive. That way you don't have a 17gb file sitting on your hard drive.
In the backup wizard when you are creating the archive, select your DVD drive as the destination for the .tib file. Acronis will do the rest, pausing to prompt you to put in new DVDs as it runs out of room on the current disc for information. You cannot fit a 17gb file on a single DVD. It will take multiple DVDs to create the image. And don't try CDs for it. You will shortly start to feel like you've gone back in time, where good-sized programs/files were spanned across cases of floppy disks.