PC-BSD on second HD, boot fails


New Member
hello everybody,
my problem is as follows:
- First HD (Sata): Win 7 pro.
- Added a second HD, also Sata, 500 GB.
- Booted from DVD, installed PC-BSD 8.2 on second HD, dedicating the full disk to it; following paragraph 2.7.4 of pc-bsd manual, I did NOT installed the boot loader.
- Rebooted in Win 7.
- Installed EasyBCD 2.0.2
- Added first (and only) partition of disk 1 (disk 0 being the Win 7 one), my settings are as shown below.
- when I boot, I see Win 7 first, pc-bsd second, and booting into Win7 is successful
- Problem: If I try to boot into pc-bsd, I get the message 'boot error' on a black screen
- Unsuccessful tweaks: In the advanced settings, I tried to change the drive to the other alternatives (D: and BOOT). Neither works.

Any suggestions?

Thank you in advance,

There are a total of 2 entries listed in the bootloader.
Default: Windows 7
Timeout: 30 seconds
EasyBCD Boot Device: C:\
Entry #1
Name: Windows 7
BCD ID: {current}
Drive: C:\
Bootloader Path: \Windows\system32\winload.exe
Entry #2
Name: PC-BSD
BCD ID: {355feaef-ea57-11df-9281-a1ad1324b2b7}
Drive: C:\
Bootloader Path: \NST\nst_linux.mbr