Thanks for any help.
The system I have now is working fine with Vista and Pclinuxos.
The wife wants me to put Windows XP Pro on my puter as hers is
getting old and she can't see past XP. She hates Vista and I am NOT getting Windows 7.
Setup: hd #1 has Vista on it. HD #2 has Pclinuxos on it.
I have repartitioned hd #1 to give a place for Windows XP.
Vista is in the 1st partition and XP would be in the 2nd partition on HD #1.
Pclinuxos has control of the MBR and works fine that way.
Would like to keep it that way if possible.
I have backed up the puter as I am expecting no end of problems with this.
In fact I don't think Easybcd will let me keep grub and Pclinuxos in command.
The system I have now is working fine with Vista and Pclinuxos.
The wife wants me to put Windows XP Pro on my puter as hers is
getting old and she can't see past XP. She hates Vista and I am NOT getting Windows 7.
Setup: hd #1 has Vista on it. HD #2 has Pclinuxos on it.
I have repartitioned hd #1 to give a place for Windows XP.
Vista is in the 1st partition and XP would be in the 2nd partition on HD #1.
Pclinuxos has control of the MBR and works fine that way.
Would like to keep it that way if possible.
I have backed up the puter as I am expecting no end of problems with this.
In fact I don't think Easybcd will let me keep grub and Pclinuxos in command.
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