Yeah...that is indeed funny! :lol: Quite a coincidence, eh?
2 more posts to go...:??
400 hundred now...and passed it! :brows:
401 posts total now...I'm catching up! :??
Well, its 401 posts now...I was looking at a page that showed 400 posts before posting my last one, so that is why I thought my last post would have been # 401, but I guess I was wrong...:S
EDIT: HUH?!! Still 400?!! :wtf:
EDIT #2: I guess it only counts posts that don't merge with the previous post...
Congrats Cool. I dont think i would ever be able to catch up to Cool.
But i am close to catching ExBrit on his McAfee site on my other site that i work on. I broke 20K posts there recently. Still not near his near 40K but i am getting closer.