Problem burning Vista recovery disc


Hello, happy to joint the vista bug corner.
I have a Vista family premium edition on my Toshiba X205 32bit
After downloading a driver for my lexmark printer things started to go from worse to worse.
I tried to restore but a message came saying there was no restore point and I was unable to create one. Now I can not boot at all.
Here is the first question:
I downloaded the the vista recovery disc for the 32bit from neosmart site, than the imgburn program , than the µTorrent program, add the "vista recovery file" in file, which µTorrent downloaded. Now there is a little µ in front of the file name. When I want to select the image_recovery_disc.iso in Imgburn it says: invalid or unsupported image file format.
thank you for your help
You need to open µTorrent program and then open the Image_Recovery_Disk file with the µ symbol in front of it. That is just a .torrent file and not the actual .ISO Recovery Disk file itself.

After you open µTorrent and load up the .torrent file it will then download the actual Recovery Disk.iso to your system which you then use ImgBurn to burn it to disk.

We had to do it this way because when we had it up for download on our site via HTTP it was copied and pasted all over the internet and we had close to a PetaByte of bandwidth used which cost a lot of money to cover the costs that month. So we had to use this method to prevent that from happening.
Thank you Makaveli213 for your prompt comments:
When I try to open with the mu torrent program,the file with the Mu sign in front of it, a message appears saying "it is already in the list, would you like to download the trackers". If the mutorrent program has already downloaded the "recovery-iso file" I wonder where it is? there is a "Vista-recovery file" on the desktop with the symbole of of "CD disc" in front , when I I burn this file with Imgburn, and explore the CD-W , this file has the same masonic symbole (an inverse V with a dot between the branches), in front of as the original downloaded files, before it was converted by mu torrent?? when I insert this CD in the crashed computer,and I try this file, either through F12 (chose boot and chosing Itoshiba CD) or directly by chosing opening in safe mode or opening normally, I always arrive to the same thing: a black screen with my white pointer arrow.
2 possibilities: either this recovery file with this masomic symbole was not the mutorrent downloaded file, or it is the correct files but is not recovering my Vista.
In µTorrent click the Gear looking icon. That is the Preferences setup. Now here you have to designate where the file will download to. If you have not then it will be located in the µTorrent folder.

In XP it should be C:\Documents & Settings\<username>\Application Data (Or AppData)\µTorrent

In Vista it would be C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Roaming\µTorrent

Check in that folder to see if the ISO is located in there. Since a download destination was never set that should be the default location to download it to.

Check out those locations to see if you can find the downloaded ISO and let me know. If not i will guide you on how to set a download location so that you can get the file properly and get your system repaired.