Problem with iReboot or me.


I use 2 OS: XP Pro SP3 & Vista-32bit. Installed iReboot on both systems. Tried to reboot on checking "reboot on selection". It worked, but now when I try to boot the computer and it asks which one to choose Vista or XP one of OSs won't boot. As I have easyBCD on both OS, I repair on of them but the other one fails to boot. Tried the original Vista CD. It repairs Vista and deletes Xp boot. What do I do wrong? How can I repair it?:frowning:
Thanks, Terry!
I read the sticky threads, installed easyBCD 2.0 Beta (build 93), clicked a couple of times and and now everything's working just fine! It's great! Thanks again!
One more question, Terry. Is that right checking "Reboot on Selection"(right click tray iReboot icon) to click OS to reboot?
Sorry, don't (can't) use iReboot because I boot via HnS
Hang around till one of the other iR users turns up.
Not sure I understand your question, mabo, but if "Reboot on Selection" is checked, when you select an entry from the iReboot menu it will automatically restart the PC, too. But if "Reboot on Selection" is not checked, the system will only boot into that entry on the next manual restart.
Yes, Guru. "Reboot on Selection" is checked. I'm using, say, XP. Will the computer automatically restart to Vista if I select this entry in the ireboot menu? And it will reboot XP again if I choose XP entry, right?