Problems Bootloading 3 physical S-ATA hard drives

Thank you Justin

I am in vista and this a cut and paste of the display mode overview:

There are a total of 3 entries listed in the bootloader.

Default: Windows Vista
Timeout: 5 seconds.
EasyBCD Boot Device: D:\

Entry #1
Name: Windows Vista
BCD ID: {current}
Drive: C:\
Bootloader Path: \Windows\system32\winload.exe

Entry #2
Name: win 7
BCD ID: {ccacdf1a-7ab1-11de-bc2e-001d605ed250}
Drive: Z:\
Bootloader Path: \Windows\system32\winload.exe

Entry #3
Name: Microsoft Windows XP
BCD ID: {ccacdf1b-7ab1-11de-bc2e-001d605ed250}
Drive: D:\
Bootloader Path: \NTLDR

Presently when I power up I am taken right into vista by bootload manager and that is working fine.

If I restart the machine then I can see three options in the bootloaderThey are listed like this:

Win xp pro

I can also restart and enter into the Win xp pro disk and that system works fine.

I cannot use the bootload manager to boot into Win7 even though win7 is a choice in the bootload manager and it is presently connected to the mobo with power and data cable.

Do I need to use the add/remove entries setting now to complete this?

I feel like we are very close to success but I need a tad more help.


Thank you Terry,

should I go back into the bios or should I disconnect win7 and power up the machine and then re-connect win7?
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They're alternative ways of achieving the same thing.
Best to become familiar with the BIOS though. That way you control things yourself rather than let fate decide for you.
If you're in Vista now though, how did you get there ?
Last post you were only able to boot W7 (hence my "W7 is first in BIOS"), so presumably you've already altered the boot sequence ?

I do recall other reports of people unable to chain the W7 boot loader from Vista, though there's no theoretical reason for failure that I know of.

In those cases the workaround was to chain the other way round
Put W7 first in the BIOS, boot W7, install EasyBCD 2 in W7, add an entry for Vista on F:\ and add an XP entry letting it auto-configure again, and you should have a functional triple boot with W7 as the controlling system.
They're alternative ways of achieving the same thing.
Best to become familiar with the BIOS though. That way you control things yourself rather than let fate decide for you.
If you're in Vista now though, how did you get there ?
Last post you were only able to boot W7 (hence my "W7 is first in BIOS"), so presumably you've already altered the boot sequence ?

I do recall other reports of people unable to chain the W7 boot loader from Vista, though there's no theoretical reason for failure that I know of.

In those cases the workaround was to chain the other way round
Put W7 first in the BIOS, boot W7, install EasyBCD 2 in W7, add an entry for Vista on F:\ and add an XP entry letting it auto-configure again, and you should have a functional triple boot with W7 as the controlling system.

Hooyah Terry!

That did it! :joy:

I went back into the BIOS and was able to move 'Win7" back into the 1st position in my s-ata array and then followed the rest of your instructions quoted above in this post.

Suddenly the "Angels wept with joy!" My Bootload manager is squared away. I can get into all three drives now either at "Power Up" or by restarting the machine from any of the three OS'S.

Thank you very kindly for all your help and Patience!:tongueout:oint:
