Program Idea.

Here you go, this will install a program that will change your system time to any time you tell it to, it will also launch any program you want,

I have included a GUI, but if you goto the install folder you will find some INI files, change the APP.ini to point to said app, and appdate.ini to the date you want to use, then run the prorgam like normal, i just added a GUI to make it easier, you don't need to use the GUI to load your app, the GUI is only to see the app propertys. (Copy and pate link into web browser to download)

When you install this please select to add shortcut to desktop. There is three programs included in this, Control = Sets the information, Time Tweaker = The app that will change the date and run your app, Reset = Reset the date if the program fails or crashes.

Ok to use this program do the following:

(Upon first install or to change the date or program to be launched)
Start-->Program Files-->Time Tweaker-->Control

From here you can set the application (You need to enter the complete path, IE: c:\windows\system32\notepad.exe

Then the date is UK format: DD/MM/YYYY

Then save, now when you want to run your program just run the Time Tweaker that is either on your desktop (If you selected to place shortcut on desktop) or from your start menu.

Once you close your application the date will change back to what it was.

Just ensure that you don't run your app before midnight but close it after midnight as the app dosen't calculate for that, i am working on it.

Updates to come in next version:
Account for going past midnight
Faster running code
Add more options

If there is anything else you want to be added just ask. My final goal is to modify this program to launch more than one application and to run without needing modules.


EDIT (16/07/06 13:37GMT)
New version to have a file browser to find said EXE/DOC to run
it's 4:30am and i haven't slept all night, so that confused me.

but if i understood this part of it, i think you're specifying the program and date by either two or four files.

the way i thought would work better, is if the date and file could be specified from the command-line, like "timetweaker.exe mm/dd/yyyy x:\whatever.exe". this way, you could edit the shortcuts, so it would launch time tweaker, then time tweaker would change the date then launch the program. you could have it work for multiple programs.

if that didn't make sense, tell me and ill try to make sense later today when i'm more awake.
that made sence, but to try and add command line options in visual basic is just asking for trouble, but i could modify the program to create more than one EXE for program, so say you want to launch:
App 1 @ 11/12/2004
app2 @ 25/01/1999

timer teaker would create two apps for them two and so forth. That is in my things to do.
Finished the help file, let me know what you think, if i get the thumbs up i will include it in my program, (Copy and pate into new browser window)

(I have to rebuild this APP as i lost the code (SORRY) memory error forced me to install windows 98, and stupid me put the code on my desktop as i was working on it.)

That aside, is it a thumbs up or down?
OK, me and XcOM are almost done with this, we're addressing all of the points raised in this thread :grinning:
Question about CLI apps in general here. How could one get and ultilize parameters in code passed to the .exe? Would the input stream contain this when the program is first launched?
Like a batch file, where you can get what the user types after the batchname at the prompt to determine parameters or operations for the batch to perform. Like %1 for first parameter, %2 for 2nd and so on. What I'm asking is how could you get what the user types after specifying the executible to use in console applications?
Thanks :smile:. Looks simple enough. I would have looked through the msdn documentation but there's just so much to look over there.

Well Toxic chicken ya vista is boring too.but the idea which you had given its simple to do but whether it will work properly?

Well Toxic chicken ya vista is boring too.but the idea which you had given its simple to do but whether it will work properly?
Hello appointmentsetting. Welcome to NST.
I'm not sure if you realize or not that two programs have already been designed (a while ago) implementing this idea, namely TimeTweaker, and Date Spoofer. You can find the download links for them easily if you do a search. If I remember correctly, there should be a download link earlier in this thread for TimeTweaker...