quote quiz

According to another source I've just read, Edison is 1/3 responsible for the light bulb.
His idea was the incandescent filament, Swann invented the vacuum bulb, and other researchers found that ultimately tungsten was the best material.
no its a computer generated sketch i first took a picture of my self using our Kodak 7mp camera then uploaded it to something called a computer then using very advanced software on facebook i was capable of repixilizing the image while changing the green and black 567 to grey 456 and the yellow 234 to white 678 something most simple minds don't understand but thats why only speak with those who have quick brains
great minds discuss ideas average minds discuss events and simple minds discuss people, Eleanour Roosevelt
by the why this is for everybody every reply should contain atleast one famous quote thats what the topic is
Another new av Ali, is this one a self-portrait ?

no its a computer generated sketch i first took a picture of my self using our Kodak 7mp camera then uploaded it to something called a computer then using very advanced software on facebook i was capable of repixilizing the image while changing the green and black 567 to grey 456 and the yellow 234 to white 678 something most simple minds don't understand but thats why only speak with those who have quick brains

Translation: Yes.
that ones famous no fair
try this one:
imagination is more important than knowledge
do something every day that you don;t want to do; this is the golden rule for acquiring the habit of doing your duty without pain
death may be the greatest of all human blessings

first person who answers all 3 gets an extra point

Mahmoud it is preferred that even if your answering a quote question you should still post a quote to keep the circle going