Okay, so apparently my laptop is not working properly. My friend was using my laptop and the next morning when i was trying to go on my laptop, it kept saying "ROOT ERROR FOUND: STARTUP REPAIR HAS TRIED SEVERAL TIMES BUT STILL CANNOT DETERMINE THE CAUSE OF THE PROBLEM." so many hours researching on the web, I came across and the recovery disks. I did everything the instructions told me to do, with the utorrent and then the imgburn, but i am always getting an error message when i click install windows. It says its missing install.wim (0x80070002) or something of that nature. I've even tried doing system restore with the recovery disk and it says "SYSTEM RESTORE FAILED DUE TO AN UNSPECIFIED ERROR. THE FILE OR DIRECTORY IS CORRUPTED AND UNREADABLE (0x80070570)"
Can someone please help! I really need my laptop for school and for my job, so any help is greatly appreciated! I've been trying to resolve the issues since this morning! and am frustrated at this point!:x
Can someone please help! I really need my laptop for school and for my job, so any help is greatly appreciated! I've been trying to resolve the issues since this morning! and am frustrated at this point!:x