Vista was installed and followed by Ubuntu 9.04 successfully. Ubuntu was not installed to mbr as instructed, instead into hidden bootsector.
Went into Vista and opened BCD. The partitions in use by vista and ubuntu were seen, tweaked and working.
At a later date ubuntu had to be re-installed but made a mistake and installed to mbr. So i decided to upgrade vista in order to overwrite the mbr once again and give control of boot to vista via easyBCD. When booting i see a previously added boot entry for ubuntu in the menu. When a new entry is added/removed by BCD, its not reflected in the boot menu. How can control be gained again. Shold i uninstall and reinstall BCD?
Please advise.
ab2qik. :O
Vista was installed and followed by Ubuntu 9.04 successfully. Ubuntu was not installed to mbr as instructed, instead into hidden bootsector.
Went into Vista and opened BCD. The partitions in use by vista and ubuntu were seen, tweaked and working.
At a later date ubuntu had to be re-installed but made a mistake and installed to mbr. So i decided to upgrade vista in order to overwrite the mbr once again and give control of boot to vista via easyBCD. When booting i see a previously added boot entry for ubuntu in the menu. When a new entry is added/removed by BCD, its not reflected in the boot menu. How can control be gained again. Shold i uninstall and reinstall BCD?
Please advise.
ab2qik. :O